Family Devotional: Christmas Special

Reflect on these passages that tell of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who came to save sinful men and draw them to Himself.


The Scandal

Mary learns of her pregnancy

Read: Luke 1:26-38


Imagine the implications of Mary’s situation.  A virgin, engage to marry Joseph, and she turns up pregnant.  Who would believe her wild tale?


Joseph learns of his fiance’s pregnancy

Read: Matthew 1:18-19


Put yourself in Joseph’s shoes here.  The woman he is to marry is pregnant and he knows the child is not his.  What would you do?


Mary Hiding

Mary goes away for a little while

Read: Luke 1:39-45


Maybe her family sent her.  Maybe she ran away.  Mary leaves to visit her aunt and uncle in another town.  What confirmation does God give there about Mary’s situation?


The Obedient

Mary confirms her obedience to God

Read: Luke 1:46-56


What does Mary call herself in this passage?


Joseph confirms his obedience to God

Read: Matthew 1:20-25


What did God send to confirm to Joseph that this was all part of God’s plan?


The Birth

Jesus is born!

Read: Luke 2:1-7

The Praise

God sends the shepherds

Read: Luke 2:8-21


What is significant about the shepherds being called by God?


God sends the Magi – the King Makers

Read: Matthew 2:1-12


What is significant about the Magi being called by God?