• (Rth 1:11 ESV) But __________ said, “Turn back, my daughters; why will you go with me? Have I yet __________ in my womb that they may become your husbands?
    • This time Naomi is more __________
      • The first request more gentle:  Ruth 1:8
    • Very much that parental position now
      • Not a __________ or a peer
    • Why will you go with me?  Have I son for you to marry?
      • __________ questions aimed to answer themselves and prove her point
      • What are some of the reasons they should not go with Naomi?





  • (Rth 1:12 ESV) Turn back, my daughters; go your way, for I am too __________ to have a husband. If I should say I have hope, even if I should have a husband this night and should bear __________,
    • More emphatic maybe here
      • Turn back
      • Go on, now
      • Find a new __________
        • A new love, new purpose
  • (Rth 1:13 ESV) would you therefore wait till they were grown? Would you therefore refrain from __________? No, my daughters, for it is exceedingly __________ to me for your sake that the hand of the __________ has gone out against me.”
    • If all of these things were to be
      • Which they are not
    • Would you still wait your whole lives?
    • No, my daughters
      • __________ answers her own question
        • Driving home the point
    • For it is __________ bitter to me for your sake
      • That they suffer the __________ for her mistakes. that they reap the curse of her __________
        • Which is a real thing
        • Especially as leaders of a household
          • Where we go the __________ follows
          • In good they follow
          • In __________ they follow
          • How much more do we show our kids in what we do, rather than what we say?
      • But deeper still than that
        • The __________ of disobeying God follows us and hangs over those connected to us
          • Our sinfulness negatively impacts those in our families
          • Those __________ on us
          • Those we are called to __________.
    • That the hand of the LORD has gone out against me.
      • This is a very real thing: That in our __________ to disobey, we place ourselves outside the __________ of God’s hand
        • Judges 2
      • Undoubtedly Elimelech and __________ followed this pattern
        • Of __________ in the people of God
          • Under the covenant of God
          • Enjoying the blessing
        • Of __________ for the world
          • And disobedience to God
          • Leaving all He has promised
          • For all the world can offer
        • We can clearly see the measure of __________ in their lives
          • The faith abandoned
          • The family destroyed
          • And here is __________
            • Old
            • Destitute
            • Widowed
            • And bitter
          • No longer the __________, pleasant, optimistic Naomi
            • Now she would be called a __________, old woman.
      • Coupled with the young __________ she sees the error of her ways
        • And the rough future ahead
        • She has to __________ to all the things she should have never left
          • This road to __________ will not be an easy one
          • But it is the __________ one
        • She must return to her people
        • The call of God draws her,
          • The next step is the will of Naomi to get there
      • She can’t fathom also bringing this young women along
        • Naomi knows she will face __________
          • Judgment, poverty, and a lonely life ahead
        • Why subject these young ladies to the same when, instead they could return to their people where they would be __________.
          • They could return to their __________
            • Where they would be cared for
          • They could start over with husbands
            • Where they would be __________
            • Not hated.
      • Yet one thing is lacking here:
        • The one true __________
          • The Creator of heaven and earth, Sustainer of all things
        • Moab was a pagan society
          • Their god was a __________ called Chemosh who regularly was thought to be angry with the Moabites
            • Neglecting them
            • Ignoring them
          • And finally being pleased when they would bring him __________ sacrifices
    • So I wonder what these __________ women thought of the God of the Isrealites
      • We see these __________ of hope in Naomi
      • Surely she’d told them of her heritage
        • Of her people
        • Of their stories
        • Of Abraham
        • And of Egypt
        • Of the __________ land and the God who watched over them
        • And no stories of human sacrifice
        • No stories of temple cults
    • I can only image that glimmer of hope impacted these girls in a great way
    • There was a __________ for that life and for those __________.
      • For that __________ in that God
    • Do you feel the same draw, the same hunger?

John 3:30-31