Sunday Notes: Doctrines: Creation

  • Definitions
    • Evolution is:



    • Theistic Evolution Is:



    • Sudden Creationism is:



  • Genesis 1:1-31, 2 Peter 3
    • Genesis 1 is describing God’s


    • 2 Peter 3 is describing God’s


  • All things were directly created by ____________
    • Nehemiah 9:6, Acts 14:15
      • God made ____________
        • And the heavens
        • The ____________ and all that is in it
        • The seas and all that is in them
  • All things continue to be ____________ by ____________
    • Isaiah 44:24 – God alone
    • Jeremiah 32:17 – By ____________ great power
    • Hebrews 1:10 – Laid the ____________
    • Revelation 4:11 – For ____________ that would be made
    • John 1:3 – Nothing else exists aside from what ____________ made
    • Colossians 1:16 – And it all exists to ____________ Him
  • The vastness is something we cannot even measure
    • Macro level of the ____________
      • So vast we can’t see the end
      • Yet all under the hand of ____________
      • Isaiah 40:22-26, Isaiah 40:26, Psalm 104:1-2, Isaiah 45:12
    • Micro Level of the human body in His creation of man
      • Details and functions we still ____________ and cannot ____________
      • All under the hand of ____________
      • Genesis 1:27. Genesis 5:1-2. Genesis 6:7, Acts 17:24
  • The ____________ still imprinted Himself on us as ____________
    • Genesis 9:6. 1 Corinthians 11:7, James 3:9
  • We are prone to worship the ____________ around us in our ____________ hearts.
    • We are called to worship the ____________ who is over all of creation in our ____________ souls.

All of His creation was made for the ____________ of God the Creator.