Sunday Notes: Luke 1:46-56


Mary’s _______________ in light of God’s _______________

  • (Luk 1:46 ESV) And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord,
  • (Luk 1:47 ESV) and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
  • (Luk 1:48 ESV) for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all _______________ will call me _______________;
    • This is in utter contrast to our human nature
      • We are driven to our own _______________
      • 1 Sam 2:1-10
    • There is a hint in this of their character
      • They are not glory seeking for themselves
        • Quite the opposite
        • They are humbled before God
        • Psalm 34:2-3

God’s _______________ and _______________

  • (Luk 1:49 ESV) for he who is _______________ has done great things for me, and _______________ is his name.
  • (Luk 1:50 ESV) And his _______________ is for those who fear him from _______________ to generation.
    • Mary in her _______________ side seeks the lifting up of God, not herself
      • And in her _______________ side she is exceedingly pleased with God’s will.
    • This is _______________ power at work.
      • In His sovereign will
      • And unlimited power
      • He chose Mary for this role
        • And in her humbleness she accomplished this calling.
        • She recognizes that it is _______________ work doing this, not hers
        • Ephesians 3:14-21, Psalm 103

God’s _______________

  • (Luk 1:51 ESV) He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts;
  • (Luk 1:52 ESV) he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and _______________ those of humble estate;
  • (Luk 1:53 ESV) he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away _______________.
    • This is her recognition of what God has done
      • And maybe more learning into what He will do
      • He is a God of _______________
        • But also a God of _______________
        • James 4:7-10, Matthew 5:6, Psalm 34:9-11
    • The true fulfillment in our lives
      • Is in God’s grace, mercy, Word, and calling

God’s _______________

  • (Luk 1:54 ESV) He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his _______________,
  • (Luk 1:55 ESV) as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his _______________ forever.”
  • (Luk 1:56 ESV) And Mary remained with her about three months and returned to her home.
    • This harkens to the covenant God made with Abraham.
      • That God would fulfill this _______________
        • And here he has done it.
        • The _______________ has come.
      • When we encounter life things
        • Our first stop can and should be the _______________ of God
          • To find examples
          • To find _______________
          • To learn how to handle things.
    • Looking at the character of God
      • Is His perfection and sovereignty, that perfect example and it should drive us to worship Him as _______________ did in this section
    • Read the hymn again – What part resonates most with you?