
  • Luke 1:26-56
    • The angel __________ comes to Mary with a Word from __________.
    • She is __________, engaged, to a man named Joseph
    • She is said for be __________ by God
      • Which says more of God than it does of Mary
      • God’s will and desire is unconditional on our status
    • Mary __________ this message
      • It is not wrong to ask questions of __________
      • It is wrong to question God’s __________
    • The angel provides an answer
      • The __________ __________ will do this. That’s it
      • Mary, you do not need to do anything. God is going to complete this work.
        • Just trust this Mary
        • How is that the opposite of the example we saw from Zechariah?


  • Nothing is impossible for God
    • What situation in your life needs to hear that?
  • __________, I am the __________ of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word
    • Behold is an imperative statement – a mark of immediacy and importance.
    • Servant literally means __________.
    • Let it be to me according to your __________
      • Eager to do __________ will
      • Ready to fulfill __________ call
    • Mary not only calls herself the slave of God
      • She stops life in its tracks to follow the plan God had laid out.
      • She arose and went with __________
      • She got up and got busy with this plan.
  • In Mary’s song, known as the __________, she exalts __________ alone for all He has done and will do:
    • __________ has done great things
    • Holy is __________ name
    • His __________ is for those who fear him
    • He has shown __________
    • __________ has scattered the proud
    • He has brought down the __________
    • He has __________ those of humble estate
    • He has filled the __________ with good things
    • He has sent the __________ away empty
    • __________ has helped his servant Israel
    • He has remembered __________ mercy
      • To God Mary attributes __________ glory.
      • The same should be true of us that all of our lives and all we endeavor would be all for the glory of __________
        • Colossians 3:23-25


  • Matthew 1:18-25
    • Joseph has a __________
    • He’s made up his mind on how to correctly handle this situation until __________ sends a new plan
      • This situation, Joseph, is not as you perceive it
        • There is more going on here
      • __________God working something much larger that you, Mary and this little scandal
        • Isaiah 7:14; Genesis 3:13-19; Revelation 12:12-17
      • Joseph sits in the middle
        • With a __________ from an angel that a prophecy will be fulfilled in his life, in his home and in his wife’s womb
          • This one will be born who is the __________ of the world
      • Joseph drops everything he has planned in order to follow the Word of __________
        • As all do who truly encounter __________
          • John 8:31-36
          • Do we believe the truth of God enough to live by it?
        • Joseph was faithful, selfless, committed to the __________ of God
  • Luke 2:1-7
    • From Galilee to Judea
      • Nazareth to Bethlehem = __________ Miles
    • Note the obedience of Joseph here
      • He could have stayed home excused by his wife’s condition, the __________ too far, the __________ is too hard, she is too close
      • But he did not.
        • He did what he was __________ to do
    • Prophecy is fulfilled
      • The __________ is born
      • One might wonder what Joseph thought
        • She deserves more, this __________ should have better
      • Yet marveling at what is taking place
        • This fulfillment of __________
        • The __________ is here
          • Right here in my arms.
          • One of those moments likely where time seems to stop.
  • Luke 2:16-19
    • The __________ arrive and marvel
    • Mary __________ this up
    • Certainly Joseph stands in awe of all these things he sees and hears around the birth of this child.
    • But these moments too are shattered by the ever present threat
      • Of a sinful world bent on __________ God
  • Matthew 2:13-23
    • Up to two years later, still in __________
    • The angel again visits __________ with instructions: it is time to leave.  Now!
      • __________ is out to kill Jesus
    • Why would God allow the killing of innocent children
      • And plot an escape to save Jesus instead of just stopping the murder all along?
    • Joseph is __________
      • Not questioning the __________ of God
      • Even when it might not make sense to us, we remain faithful
      • If you got real honest
        • What would you say?
          • God, I trust your Word.  Please transform me
          • God, that is neat but here is what I would rather do.

Later References

  • Luke 2:40-52 – That time they lost __________ for a few days
  • John 2:1-5 The wedding at __________ & Jesus the homebrewer
  • Mark 3:31-35 – Jesus redefines the __________ 
  • John 19:23-28 – Mary at the __________
  • Acts 1:12-14 Following the __________ and __________
  • Mary and Joseph
    • Regular people with plans for a life
    • Devout in their religious and dedicated to keeping it
    • Dramatically altered by the will of God
      • And seemingly unshaken in their ability to follow it
  • A mother who by any worldly standard was not ready
  • A father of simple means
  • In these two __________ found favor
    • Not perfect
    • Not prepared
    • Not any of the things the __________ might count
      • But they believed God and His Word
    • As the years wore on they __________ raised this son
    • What a legacy: Faithful through it all to the will of God
    • What is your legacy?

What is our legacy as a church?