Sunday Notes: Doctrines: Mankind

The world was created for mankind.  Mankind was invented for God’s glory alone.

Created to rule creation

  • We were created as _______________ over the earth
    • Tasked with dominion over other _______________ and elements of creation
      • Genesis 1:27-28 – Our _______________ over creation
  • We are made differently than any other _______________ on earth
    • While we share some similar features, no other creature is made like _______________.
      • Genesis 2:7 – The _______________ of life

Created to glorify _______________

  • Our purpose on the earth is to _______________ God
    • _______________ Deo Gloria
      • Colossians 1:16, Isaiah 43:6-7, 1 Corinthians 10:31, Matthew 5:16, 

Created to love _______________

  • We are designed to _______________ our creator entirely, but our _______________ makes that impossible for us to attain by ourselves.
    • Yet the hunger, the longing for it persists.
      • Deuteronomy 6:5

Corrupted by _______________

  • Total Depravity means: 



  • Three sins of the fall
    • Genesis 3:1-5, Matthew 4:2-10
      • Good for _______________
        • Matthew 4:2-3
        • Fulfilling an appetite to our own detriment.
      • Pleasing to the _______________
        • Matthew 4:6-7
        • Fulfilling a desire for pleasure in all the wrong places.
      • Desirable for _______________
        • Matthew 4:8-10
        • Fulfilling a perceived lacking in yourself that ultimately ruins who you are supposed to be
      • Ambition can cloud our vision and we cannot help but sin
        • Genesis 3:13-24
          • We are quick to lose sight of the greatness from God in light of the quickness of the world.
          • It is in our very nature to sin and the struggle against that is very real for all believers
            • Ps 51:5, Isa 6:5, Rom 3:9-23; Rom 5:12, Eph 2:1-3
      • Thus we need a _______________ outside of ourselves to change what is corrupt inside of us.
        • _______________ is that Savior
          • Rom 5:6, Rom 5:18-19, 1 Cor 15:22
      • Being made in the image of God, _______________ life is to be valued.
        • Genesis 1:27, Genesis 9:6