Jude v. 5-7 Outline: The Judgement of God

  • The Exodus
    • Jude begins with an example of the ___________________ people who were slaves in Egypt.
    • God had promised this would happen: Genesis 15:13-14, Acts 7:6-8.
    • They are saved not because of their excellent ___________________ but by God’s ______________.
    • Moses is called to lead them in Exodus 3:11-12.  Even he cannot ___________________ what God is saying.
    • As the story unfolds, the Israelite people show their level of unbelief that they would rather stay in _____________ than experience even the slightest discomfort: Exodus 5.
    • In the end the Israelites are freed from Egypt and the whole generation is killed off in the wilderness for their___________________.
  • The Angels
    • In Jude 6 we see angels falling and being bound in chains for their ___________________.
    • Genesis 6:1-8, Job 1:6-7, Job 2:1-2
    • Sons of God literally means: ___________________
    • Daughters of men are: ___________________
    • The angels choose to follow their own desires instead of staying where God assigned them.
    • For their disobedience they are ___________________ in eternal chains under gloomy darkness.
    • The humans on the other hand, are destroyed just a little later in the great flood when Noah built the ark.
  • The Day It Rained Fire
    • In Jude 7 we meet the Sodomites from Genesis 19:1-29
    • The people of these towns had strayed a long way from ___________________ order of things.
    • They were corrupt to the core of every last person in the ___________________ community.
    • God rained down ___________________ on the whole area for their disobedience.
  • Three examples in Jude of disobedience to what God has ordained:
    • ___________________: God’s chosen nation
    • ___________________: God spiritual beings
    • ___________________ and ___________________: Whole communities steeped in disobedience.
  • Hebrews 10:23-25
    • (Heb 10:23 ESV) Let us hold fast the ___________________ of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.
    • (Heb 10:24 ESV) And let us consider how to stir up one another to ___________________ and ___________________ works,
    • (Heb 10:25 ESV) not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but ___________________ one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.