Session 5:V 11-13

Jude v. 11-13 Outline: 

  • Jude  11
    • Woe to them!  Who are they? ___________________
    • Cain
      • The son of _________ and __________.
      • Genesis 4:1-16, Hebrews 11:4, 1 John 3:12
      • Cain’s offering was the ___________________ of the ground.  Abels was ___________________
      • Why did God find Abel’s offering acceptable, but Cain’s unacceptable? _______________________________________
      • Cain decided his way was fine no matter what ___________________ said he should do.
      • Adding insult to injury, ___________________ attacks and kills ___________________ when God’s judgement is given.
    • Balaam
      • 1 Timothy 5:18, 1 Corinthians 9:9-15, Luke 10:7, Numbers 21-25, Numbers 31:15, 2 Peter 2:12-16
      • Balaam is the pagan counterpart to the God ordained leader of Israel, __________________.
      • Balak is the king of ___________________.
      • Having seen Isreal whip up on everyone else, ___________________ is terrified.
      • Moab knows they cannot conquer Israel physically, so they try ___________________.
      • When that fails, they cook up a scheme to destroy Israel from the ___________________.
    • Korah
      • Numbers 16
      • Korah disagrees with ___________________ appointed leadership over the nation of Israel.
      • He leads a ___________________ against that leadership and God causes the earth to open up and swallow all of the rebels.
  • Jude 12
    • False Christian leaders are like
      • ___________________ reefs
      • ___________________ clouds
      • ___________________ trees
    • Hebrews 10:29, Proverbs 25:4, Luke 13:6-9
    • These look nice on the ___________________ and before you know it they have caused immense ___________________.
  • Jude 13
    • Like wild waves, you can be ___________________ and never get anything productive done.
    • Like ___________________ that move, false teachers are not reliable and will guide you to _______________.
    • The ___________________ and utter ___________________ of hell await those who lead God’s people astray!

Titus 2:11-15, Romans 3:9-20