Session 7:V 17-19

Jude v. 17-19 Outline: 

  • Jude  17
    • Jude encourages us to remember the __________________ made by the apostles.  Long, long ago it was revealed by __________________ that these things would happen.  The introduces the concept of God’s omniscience – He knows __________________ things for all time past, present, and future.
      • Colossians 1:15-18
    • God has given us His __________________ through the apostles that we might know Him and follow His will.
      • 2 Timothy 3:16-17
  • Jude 18
    • These predictions from the apostles said there would be scoffers who followed their own ungodly passions instead of the will of __________________.
  • Jude 19
    • Instead of following the __________________ of the Word of God, evil men follow their own passions.
    • As a people of God, we should be marked by following the Word, not the __________________.  Even when that makes us uncomfortable or unpopular.
    • We should never downplay the teaching in the __________________ in order to appeal to the culture.  Our job is to teach the Word, __________________ will build His church.
      • Matthew 16:18
    • If we ever find ourselves filtering our sections of the Bible or watering them down to be more palatable, we are in a __________________ position.
      • We are then those who are __________________ of the Spirit.  __________________ people.
    • Worldly people make plans on, live for, appeal to the culture of the world for their purpose and acceptance.
      • James 4:1-8 tells us that worldly people…
        • __________________ and fight v. 1
        • __________________ v. 2
        • __________________ wrongly v. 2
      • And we instead should….
        • __________________ to God v. 7
        • __________________ the devil v. 7
        • __________________ near to God v. 8
        • __________________ our hands v. 8
        • __________________ our hearts v.8 
    • Titus 1:16 reminds us that people can __________________ to know God, but their __________________ deny Him
      • We are called to more than that.  We are called to live differently.  We are called to lead differently.
    • Hebrews 5:12-14 calls on us to __________________ in the Word of God.  To get off of the babies’ ________________ and chew on ________________.
    • Romans 7:5 calls us to live in the __________________, not the flesh.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 reminds us to bind the Word of __________________ to every aspect of our lives.  When we find our satisfaction in who God is, we find the deepest satisfaction a person can have on earth.