I Charge You: Sunday, January 17, 2021

1 Timothy 1:3-11

  • Paul opens with a reminder to __________ of the charge to purify the leadership of the __________ (1 Timothy 1:3)
    • Paul was headed to __________ and leaving Timothy in __________ to work on returning that church to correct operations.
    • This serves as a reminder to us to also operate only according to __________.
      • Sola Scripura: Scripture Alone
    • Paramount in this charge is teaching __________ doctrine.
      • This is not a suggestion or polite request, but a __________.
      • The correct doctrine is in line with the __________ of God
        • Anything that contradicts Scripture is heretical whether it be culturally acceptable, tradition, or anything else.  If it is not in line with the Bible it is not correct teaching.
  • Paul shoots down the devotion of those in Ephesus to __________ and endless __________. (1 Timothy 1:4)
    • Those only encourage speculation
    • Not sound stewardship of our faith from __________.
    • Instead we should focus on the meat of God’s Word.
      • To build up the body of Christ
      • Resulting in fruitful lives pleasing to God
    • As we looked at last week, this is what an elder in the church oversees.  They act as a coach to push us forward in __________ development.
  • The goal in all of our efforts then is love from a __________ heart and __________ conscience. (1 Timothy 1:5)
    • Love from a pure heart does not have hidden motives and alternate agendas.
    • Sincere faith is a certainty in knowing we can count on God in __________ things. (Hebrews 11:1)
    • Living by these things causes a complete life change.
      • What we do is different
      • Why we do it is different
      • How we see the world around is different.
  • Ephesus had a problem with people in positions of __________ who were not established by __________. (1 Timothy 1:6-7)
    • They had the desire for positions of __________
    • Teaching the church things they knew nothing about
    • This causes nothing short of confusion and does not lead us to glorify __________ in His church.
    • Being appointed as a teacher in the church is a high calling that one should fully consider. (James 3:1-2)
      • In fact, all roles in the church are defined and assigned by God. (1 Cor 12:27-31)
  • Paul turns to include the Old Testament __________ and its role in the Christian __________ (1 Timothy 1:8-11)
    • The law of __________ is good if used rightly for the purpose of making us righteous (Matthew 22:36-40)
    • We must catch that the law is nothing to someone who is just, but only for those who are unjust does it apply.
    • It is here we see the alignment with the 10 __________ given by __________ to Moses in Exodus 20
      • Paul connects the dots for us between a Christian’s life and adherence to the law of God alongside the words of __________ in Matthew 5.
    • This whole things comes to a head in the Gospel.
      • The Old Testament law was to show us our need for a savior.
        • Our inability to be good enough in ourselves.
      • The __________ is the good news of that Savior coming to save us – Jesus our Lord.
      • Paul injects all of this into the proper operation of the church.
        • That we work according to the Gospel in all things under the direct hand of __________ according to His __________.
        • It was Jesus who called __________
        • Jesus established the __________
        • Jesus will build His __________