1 Timothy 1:12-17

  • Paul begins in thankfulness for all __________ has given to him (1 Timothy 1:12)
    • Paul thanks God – from whom all things flow to us.
    • For the strength He has given us through __________
    • For the appointment to __________
      • Giving us a purpose in life greater than ourselves.
    • And not because Paul __________ it on good behavior
  • Paul then lists all the offenses against God  (1 Timothy 1:13)
    • Given the list, he is not a real good guy…
      • Blasphemer
      • Persecutor
      • Insolent Opponent
    • Yet he received mercy from __________ for his ignorance
      • If anyone was bad off enough to be outside of God’s grace it would be someone who made a life’s effort of killing __________ people.
      • If God’s grace is enough to save a man such as Paul
        • Is it also enough to save you? (Romans 5:6-11)
  • Paul received not only some __________, but overflowing grace from __________  (1 Timothy 1:14)
    • Forgiveness, yes and more
    • Adoption as a son in the family of __________ – removed from being a son of Satan destined for eternal destruction.
  • Praise be to our God that __________ came for the purpose of saving sinners like Paul – and you –  and me.  (1 Timothy 1:15)
    • __________ calls himself the foremost of sinners putting in context the saving nature of God
    • Jesus came to earth as a __________ like us
    • Lived a life of __________
    • And gave that perfect life to __________ for our sins on the cross
    • Thus allowing our sins to be __________
    • Making us __________ to a perfect God.
      • In our realization of this we are __________ by His mercy and grace on us.
  • In our humbleness we can reflect God’s glory as an example to those who come to believe in Him from __________ life (1 Timothy 1:16)
    • Catch here that Paul __________ this mercy
      • He did not __________ it or __________ it
      • It was a gift given to him by God.
    • The purpose was not to glorify Paul
      • But to glorify __________ in what Jesus had done.
    • Even the chief of sinners
      • The killer of __________
      • The persecutor of the __________ could be saved.
  • This becomes then the source of our praise (1 Timothy 1:17)
    • Look at the descriptors of God here”
      • King of all ages
        • Meaning:   _________________________
      • Immortal
        • Meaning:   _________________________
      • Invisible
        • Meaning:   _________________________
      • The only God
        • Meaning:   _________________________
    • And what He deserves from us forever:
      • Honor
        • Meaning:   _________________________
      • Glory
        • Meaning:   _________________________
    • Reflect on that praise this week as you consider all God has given to you.
      • All that is yours in Him for all eternity
      • All that can never pass away.
  • How this week can your life reflect the gifts God has given you?