• (1Ti 4:1 ESV) Now the ______________ expressly says that in later times some will ______________ from the faith by devoting themselves to ______________ spirits and teachings of demons,
    • The Holy Spirit speaks to us in a few ways
      • To enlighten our minds to understand ______________ Word
      • To reveal to us the will of ______________
      • To transform us to the image of ______________
    • 2 Peter 3:1-7, 1 John 4:1-3
  • (1Ti 4:2 ESV) through the insincerity of ______________ whose consciences are ______________,
    • Liars lie to mislead you into all sorts of things
      • But never to ______________
    • 2 Tim 2:15-19
  • (1Ti 4:3 ESV) who forbid ______________ and require abstinence from ______________ that God created to be received with ______________ by those who believe and know the truth.
    • God created food and marriage amongst all other things.
      • When used in His will with thanksgiving all these things are ______________
      • When used outside of His will we ______________
        • Sin is disobedience to God
    • Matthew 15:10-20
    • What this boils down to is works righteousness
      • The idea that we would be saved by doing these certain things
        • And we would be loved by God for our keeping of the law
      • The lie that we earn our standing with God by our works
        • By abstaining from those things
        • And by keeping to these things
        • God would see how great we are
        • And save us because of it
      • We know this is completely false
        • It is not of us that we are saved
          • We cannot live ______________ enough
          • Act ______________ enough
          • Speak ______________ enough
          • To cause us to be redeemed!
        • Salvation is a ______________ of God by His ______________ alone!
          • Sola Gratia!
    • Eph 2:8-9, Romans 3:21-25, John 6:37, James 1:16-18
  • (1Ti 4:4 ESV) For everything created by ______________ is good, and ______________ is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving,
    • Genesis 1, Matthew 25
  • (1Ti 4:5 ESV) for it is made holy by the ______________ of God and ______________.
    • These gifts of God
      • This ______________ we eat
      • The ______________ we breathe
      • The ______________ we have
      • All from ______________
      • All for ______________ glory
    • By the word of God
      • So we use them by ______________ Word
      • We use them by ______________ command
      • According to ______________ instructions
    • And prayer.
      • In conversation with ______________
      • In requesting what we need
      • In praying for others
      • In worship for who He is
      • In thanksgiving for all He has done
    • We praise ______________ from whom all blessings flow.

How can you remember this week to thank God for all the many things He has given you daily to sustain your family?