Steadfastness part 5: 1 Timothy 5:9-16

  • (1Ti 5:9 ESV) Let a ______________ be enrolled if she is not less than sixty years of age, having been the wife of one husband,
    • A widow is of course a woman whose husband died
      • And had no family to ______________ them
      • They were destitute and also vulnerable
    • Thus the church has a responsibility to care for them
    • And those widows also dedicate themselves to service of the ______________ and various duties of ministry.
    • James 1:27, Acts 6:1-7, Titus 2:3-5, 1Timothy 3:2, 1Timothy 3:12, Proverbs 31:10-12, Proverbs 31:25-26
  • (1Ti 5:10 ESV) and having a reputation for ______________ works: if she has brought up children, has shown hospitality, has washed the feet of the saints, has ______________ for the afflicted, and has ______________ herself to every good work.
    • Are you a woman with a reputation for good works
      • Proverbs 31:13-19, Proverbs 31:27-28
    • If she is to train up younger women in how to raise godly children it is helpful that she has done this herself
    • We are to be hospitable
      • Opening our homes, our lives to those in need
        • Feeding and sheltering them
        • Providing for their needs
      • 1 Peter 4:8-10, Proverbs 31:20-22
    • The job of the lowest slave was often given:
      • Washing people’s feet when they came in
      • The concept of this job is illustrative of doing whatever work is required of us
      • John 13:5-16
    • The widow who serve these church has a history of caring for the sick
      • Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual
    • All of this stacking up to measure the ______________ of the woman of God
      • Proverbs 31:29-31
  • (1Ti 5:11 ESV) But refuse to enroll younger widows, for when their passions draw them away from Christ, they desire to marry
  • (1Ti 5:12 ESV) and so incur condemnation for having abandoned their former faith.
    • This commitment to the church should not be taken lightly or emotionally
    • This is not for every widow by any means
  • (1Ti 5:13 ESV) Besides that, they learn to be idlers, going about from house to house, and not only ______________, but also gossips and ______________, saying what they should not.
    • If you are going around doing this ministry work
      • You must be on guard always to make sure the work stays pure
      • Not allowing the opportunity for gossip, impurity, or getting sidetracked.
  • (1Ti 5:14 ESV) So I would have younger widows ______________, bear children, manage their ______________, and give the adversary no occasion for ______________.
    • Do the normal things of life that a woman would be doing
    • Serving and giving as God designed
  • (1Ti 5:15 ESV) For some have already strayed after Satan.
    • These believing widows walking into ways of the world
    • Let others not follow them
  • (1Ti 5:16 ESV) If any believing ______________ has relatives who are widows, let her care for them. Let the church not be burdened, so that it may care for those who are ______________ widows.
    • There is a principle in this for us
      • That we take care of those God has placed in our care
      • Women are called to live lives of upright character
        • To love their families and work diligently to care for their households
      • When a woman has done this and becomes a widow
        • She is them to take on the church as her charge to invest in the younger women
        • To raise them up in the Lord
      • The church is responsible for supporting them
        • And honoring their role
        • As we would a mother and a sister