Sunday, May 30th, 2021

Steadfastness part 8: 1 Timothy 6:6-10

  • (1Ti 6:6 ESV) But ______________ with ______________ is great gain,
    • Content in living for God, not according to the world
    • Recognize all that you ______________ have in Christ
      • And how much more that is than what the world can offer you.
    • Ephesians 1:3-6
  • (1Ti 6:7 ESV) for we brought ______________ into the world, and we cannot take ______________ out of the world.
    • In our lives be brought nothing physically
      • Needing a mother to bring us up
    • In our faith be brought nothing spiritually
      • Needing a savior to redeem us back
    • Genesis 3:19. Genesis 18:27, Genesis 13:1-9
      • All we build and accumulate in this ______________ will go away
      • All of the treasure we store in heaven is eternal
      • Matthew 6:19-21, Luke 12:15-21
    • When your soul is called to judgement where will your treasure be?
      • Ephesians 1:7-10
    • Do you see all that Christ has given you?
      • You brought nothing
      • He gave you redemption!
        • Forgiveness, wisdom, insight, purpose, a plan, a future of His glory!
        • We have all we really need in Christ
  • (1Ti 6:8 ESV) But if we have ______________ and ______________, with these we will be ______________.
    • We have already been given the most valuable gift of all in Christ.
      • An eternal inheritance in the Kingdom of God
      • The things of this life are passing
      • Let us make our focus the eternal
    • Matthew 6:19-34, Eph 1:11-12
  • (1Ti 6:9 ESV) But those who desire to be ______________ fall into temptation, into a ______________, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and ______________.
    • When our goal is piling up ______________
      • Getting more and more
    • We fall into ______________
      • In order to gain that wealth
      • At any cost
        • We must get more
    • A snare is a ______________ like we would set for a varmint
      • Baiting to be appealing, but holding a trick to lock them in once they fall for it.
        • Titus 3:3
    • While it is not wrong for someone to gain wealth, it is wrong for our heart’s ______________ to be weath.
      • Our ______________ are to long for the things of God – things pleasing to Him
      • And be content in ______________ provision for our lives the things He gives to us
    • Deuteronomy 8:10-18, Ephesians 1:13-21, 
  • (1Ti 6:10 ESV) For the love of ______________ is a ______________ of all kinds of evils. It is through this ______________ that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many ______________.
    • It is through this craving
      • The craving for more
      • The drive to gain
        • To get what we want for ourselves
        • We get wrapped up in the world and wander from faith that should be central.
    • Matthew 19:16-26
    • Ephesians chapter 1 – 
      • Read this daily this week
      • Morning and evening
      • Pray through these verses asking God to show you all He has given you