• (1Ti 6:20 ESV) O Timothy, guard the deposit _______________ to you. Avoid the irreverent _______________ and contradictions of what is _______________ called “knowledge,”
    • Paul was a spiritual father to Timothy
      • The two shared a very close bond
      • Paul is addressing Timothy here with emotion
    • Timothy had been assigned by Paul to run the church in Ephesus
      • According to the Word of God
      • Not the will of man
      • That is the main drive in 1 Timothy
        • Correct operation of the church
        • Stop doing the things you shouldn’t
        • Start doing the things you should
        • Organize and operate the church by the Word of God alone
          • Sola Scriptura.
        • To be steadfast in our calling
        • To keep the faith 
    • We are to guard this as one would a valuable treasure.
      • Acts 12:4, Acts 28:16, Luke 11:28, James 1:22-24
        • As individuals we guard the truth in our lives
        • As the church we guard the truth together
      • What do you have that is very valuable to you?
        • Maybe a family heirloom
        • Maybe it is something of great worldly value
        • Something that holds significant worth in the market
        • We put things of great value in safe places
          • Maybe a safe in your home
          • Or in a vault at the bank
      • The truth of the Gospel should be viewed in this way
        • We must be careful
          • We must be diligent
          • We must strive for purity
            • Not convenience
            • Not popularity
            • Not to protect someone’s feelings
          • But to guard what has been entrusted to us: the truth of God.
        • 2 Tim 3:16-17
          • All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
        • We must avoid pointless things that draw us away from the truth.
          • Hebrews 12:16, 2 Timothy 2:16, 
  • (1Ti 6:21 ESV) for by _______________ it some have swerved from the _______________. Grace be with you.
    • By making the fasle their truth
      • Taking the lies and contractions as the gospel
      • Engaging in the things opposite the Gospel will always take us astray.
    • Instead let us hold to the truth.
      • Hold to the Gospel
      • Hold to the purpose God created us for.
    • Friends you have heard the Word
      • Now it is up to you what you do with it.
      • Will you take these things from 1 Timothy and use them
      • Or will you pass them by as a wasted 25 weeks.
        • You have been watching netflix instead.
    • Let us be a people who are doers of the Word
      • Not hearers only.
    • Grace be with you
      • God has provided all we need
      • God has set forth the course
      • God has guaranteed the victory
        • All by His grace