
Jesus commands the church to baptize new believers and remember His sacrifice in communion.  Both of these are symbols of the work Christ has done and illustrate the gospel.  The Biblical mode of baptism is by immersion of a disciple of Christ illustrating the death of the old man and the new birth of the man reborn in Christ.  Communion is a symbol of the sacrifice of Christ for His people and as such should be taken only by His people with the utmost of reverence for their Lord.


Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 2:41, Acts 8:26-39, Acts 10:44-48, Acts 16:29-33, Acts 18:8, Romans 6:3-7, Colossians, 2:11-14, John 3:22-23, Matthew 3:13-17, 1 Corinthians 11:23-30, Matthew 26:26-29, Mark 14:22-25, Luke 22:14-23


We are saved by faith alone in Christ alone.  As the church we are given two ordinances to remember and exemplify that sacrifice for our salvation: baptism of believers & communion.  Both of these where instituted by Jesus for His people.  Both show us real, physical examples of what He has done for us.  Both are ordered functions of the church.


In baptism, the believer is immersed in water and raised up symbolizing their death to the old, sinful life and birth into the new life provided in Christ.  This act saves no one, but shows what Christ has already done for us and in us.


Taking communion reminds us of the body of Christ broken and His blood poured out to become the final atonement for our sins.  Consuming these things does not cause us to be saved.  Rather, the bread and wine are symbolic of what He did and remind us of that gospel, that good news.


In what ways do you see the salvation provided by Christ in the act of baptism?


Recount your own baptism:

  • How old were you?


  • Where did that happen?


  • What events led up to your baptism?


–If you have never been baptized, bring that up with the elders to plan this milestone in your Christian life.


How does communion remind you of the sacrifice Jesus made for your sins?


What are the consequences of taking communion with a wrong state of being?




Romans 8:27-30, Ephesians 1:3-14, Ephesians 2:1-10, 2 Timothy 1:8-9, John 1:12-13, Romans 6:16-18, Romans 9:10-24, John 6:43-45, Romans 10:10-21, 2 Peter 3:9, John 12:32, Romans 14:10-12