• (Gen 1:6)  And God said, “Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.”
    • Eisegesis = ____________________________________
    • Exegesis =  ____________________________________
      • Teaching at Sola is exegetical
        • That we may be transformed by the Word of God
        • Never trying to shape God’s Word to our desire.
    • At the end of day ____________ all of the elements needed for creation are there awaiting their assignment
      • God’s sovereign ____________ is put forth
      • To come into existence  and function as He wills for His glory.
  • (Gen 1:7)  And God made the expanse and separated the waters that were under the expanse from the waters that were above the expanse. And it was so.
    • Water ____________ the sky and water ____________ the sky
      • On day 5, verse 20 this expanse is filled with birds.
    • This water above is the source of the flood in Noah’s time and certainly our water systems today
      • Genesis 7:11-12
        •  These windows of the heavens show rain failing in massive quantities from the atmosphere.
      • Genesis 7:17-24
        • A conservative estimate of this much rain would be 24 feet
        • Plus the springs under the ground broke open and water rose.
    • Canopy theory says that there was an outer layer of atmosphere surrounding earth
      • Made of ____________
      • Creating a constant ____________ effect on the earth
      • Filtering the harmful radiation of the sun
      • Enabling longer ____________ for plants, animals and humans
        • Thus they also grew ____________.
      • This canopy was the source of the flood waters that reset the earth in Noah’s day.
  • (Gen 1:8)  And God called the expanse Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, the second day.
    • ____________ is the name God assigns to the sky
      • Not to be confused with Heaven as the perfect dwelling place of God
      • Name assignment in the Bible always turns into ____________
        • Assignment of ____________.
    • As the second day closes we see the markers of time
      • Morning and ____________
      • The second day
        • Literal 24 ____________ period of time
        • That God creates to order our world
    • Note at the close of day two there is no calling it good.
      • All that God creates is ____________
        • But until it is called to fulfill God’s purpose it is not called ____________.
        • Day three picks up the purpose of these things.
    • Note also that Jesus is central to this entire process
      • He does not begin in the ____________
        • He always has been.
          • Psalm 19:1, Proverbs 8:22-36
      • Jesus is the preeminent Lord of all ___________
        • John 1:1-5, Colossians 1:13-20

And He came to earth to ____________ sinners like you and me.