Sunday Notes: Genesis 1:9-10

  • Gen 1:9 ESV) And God said, “Let the ____________ under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the ____________ land appear.” And it was so.
    • In the creation narrative, God ____________ and things happen
      • In Genesis 1:3 the word “let” is Hāyâ
        • Meaning to become from what is not
      • In v. 9 the word “let” is Qāvâ
        • Meaning to bind together things that are
      • We see God already exercising His sovereign control over the universe He ____________
        • Telling creation what to do.
    • This will be the final separation in the created order
      • Day 1: Separated dark from ____________
      • Day 2: Separated water below and above
      • Day 3: Separated ____________ and land
    • The stage is being set for the pinnacle of His creation to come: Mankind
  • (Gen 1:10 ESV) God called the dry land ____________, and the waters that were gathered together he called ____________. And God saw that it was good.
    • God called, named the land earth and the seas
      • When God names or calls something it is giving it a ____________ or function in His work.
    • When God calls it ____________ it is signalling that the purpose or function is being fulfilled.
      • When Jesus says well done my good and faithful servant – you have fulfilled this purpose
    • Water is essential to life
      • And the most destructive force on our planet.
      • While we can harness the power of water
        • Often it is entirely out of our control
        • Too little and life ____________
        • Too much and destruction ____________.
      • Yet God merely speaks and the water submits to His ____________.
        • A force we merely attempt to harness is under the complete control of our God.
      • Consider water under God’s direction in scripture:
        • The flood of Noah: Genesis 7
          • Who sent the rain?
          • Who willed to destroy life on the earth?
            • ____________
        • Parting of the Red Sea: Exodus 14
          • Who drove the sea back and released it again to the Egyptian army?
            • ____________
        • Jonah and the storm: Jonah 1
          • Who hurled the great wind and caused a tempest at sea?
          • Who then calmed the storm in an instant?
            • ____________
        • Jesus calms the storm: Matthew 8
          • Who calmed the storm at sea?
            • ____________
        • Peter and Jesus walk on water: Matthew 14
          • Who is Peter focus on when he walks out onto the water?
            • ____________
      • Our God controls the universe, water included.
        • It was made by ____________
        • Named by ____________
        • Given purpose by ____________
        • Under the control of ____________
        • For ____________ glory alone.
          • Soli Deo Gloria.