• Gen 1:14 ESV) And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years,
    • Let is the Hebrew word hāyâ
      • Which means to become from __________
      • Same used in day 1 at the creation of light.
    • Not a gathering up as the seas
      • But a new creation of sources of light
    • Examples of God’s presence in the Bible:
      • Exodus 40:34
        • God is described as a __________
      • 2 Chronicles 7:1-2
        • God is described as a __________
      • Exodus 3:1-6
        • God is described as a __________
      • Ezekiel 43:2
        • God is described as a __________
      • Psalm 104:1-2
        • God is described as a __________
      • Luke 2:8-14
        • God is described as a __________
      • Matthew 2:1-2
        • God is described as a __________
      • Matthew 17:1-5
        • God is described as a __________
      • Acts 9:1-5
        • God is described as a __________
      • Isaiah 60:19-20
        • God is described as a __________
      • Revelation 22:5
        • God is described as a __________
    • Signs and Seasons, days and years
      • __________ have long been used in navigation
        • Polaris never changes position
        • The rest of the stars shift nightly
      • The shifting view marks out __________
        • And measures out our days and years.
  • (Gen 1:15 ESV) and let them be __________ in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth.” And it was so.
    • The purpose of these points of light?
      • To light the __________ day and night.
    • And it was so – when God commands something to happen it will __________ happen.
  • (Gen 1:16 ESV) And God made the __________ great lights–the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night–and the __________.
    • Two great lights
      • The __________ – Greater and over the day
      • The __________ – Lesser and over the night
    • And the stars
    • All of these are subject to God in their creation and function – not in any way __________ themselves.
  • (Gen 1:17 ESV) And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give __________ on the earth,
    • Consider the vastness of the universe
      • As God seems to spread it all out as if waving His hand
        • Isaiah 40:21-31
        • Romans 1:18-23
        • Matthew 10:29-33
  • (Gen 1:18 ESV) to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was __________.
    • It is good because it accomplishes the task God gave it
  • (Gen 1:19 ESV) And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day.
    • God created it all for His glory and the day is approaching when He will recreate it all for our eternity.
      • Psalm 147:4
      • Psalm 19:1
      • Colossians 1:15-17
      • Isaiah 24:32
    • So let us recognize the goodness of God
    • And the greatness of God
    • And praise His name for all of His mighty works.