• (Gen 1:26 ESV) Then God said, “Let us make __________ in our image, after our __________. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
    • God – ‘ĕlōhîm – el-o-heem’
      • Plural title of a position of supreme authority
        • God the __________, Jesus the __________, The Holy __________
          • Co-Equal members of the trinity
      • Let us __________ man in our own image
        • A higher statement on creation
        • The crowning work of this whole series of events.
        • What does is mean to “Christianize” Old Testament scripture?
        • A divine dialog amongst the Trinity
          • Colossians 1:15-17, Ephesians 1:3-17
      • Man – dam (dawm) – Adam
        • Dam means ruddy, red, blood
        • Like all other animals, God made man flesh and __________
        • But then God gives that creature a soul
          • Unique among all creatures
          • Possessing a __________ from God 
      • In our __________, likeness, resemblance
        • Genesis 5:3, Genesis 9:6, Exodus 20:4, Psalm 73:20, Psalm 39:6
        • Like our kids – they look like us
          • They talk like us
          • They act like us
        • God made us to resemble __________
          • To reflect His nature and character
          • We are creative and intelligent
            • We were created __________
              • In the garden
              • To do the good will of God
            • But sin..
              • Corrupted adam and all mankind to follow
              • And we became a __________ image
            • Through __________ we are restored, sanctified, set apart
          • Genesis 5:3, Exodus 20:4, Isaiah 40:18-20, Ezekiel, 1:5-10. Isaiah 13:4, 2 Chronicals 4:3, Daniel 10:16
        • We are to master all things on earth
          • The have charge over all animals
          • To make use of the world __________ created
  • (Gen 1:27 ESV) So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
    • Defense of genders
      • He made the male
      • He made the female
      • He made __________ genders neither lesser or greater than the order, but equally made by __________.
      • And not subject to changing or redefining.
        • Genders were made
        • Genders are fixed as the __________ only
      • The creation of genders in the beginning leaves no room for later redefinition.
        • To do so is a blatant sin against __________ and His plans.
    • Adam, Eve, Men, Women
      • Were Adam and Eve the first of all humans or a special line named for their role in the lineage of Jesus?
        • Genesis 2:8-25, Acts 17:24-27, Genesis 4, Genesis 5
    • __________ is our answer to many unanswered questions
      • Hebrews 11:1-13
      • Faith guides us not only in the Bible, but in so many areas of life.
        • You get in your car and drive off trusting that the wheels stay on
        • You get in bed at night trusting that the roof does not cave in
        • You take a bite of lunch trusting that the cook did not poison it
        • We place our faith to some measure in many things with much less assurity that God
      • Is God not over all of these as well?
        • Of course He is
        • In __________ we live
        • And __________
        • And have our __________
        • Not a __________ falls from the sky outside of His will
    • If you take a hard look
      • What is the core of your faith placed in?
        • Is it in the world
          • Or the __________ of the world?
        • Is it in money
          • Or the __________ of all good things?
    • Live this life in light of that truth
      • The __________ who made the heaven and the earth
        • He also made __________ according to __________ will
        • That He might receive glory
        • Glorify God this week.