• (Gen 1:28)  And God __________ them. And God said to them, “Be __________ and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have __________ over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
    • God blessed Adam and Eve
      • God’s blessing flows from His goodness
        • Not __________ ability to earn it.
      • He has already given us every spiritual blessing in __________
        • Ephesians 1:3-6
    • God made 6 covenants with men throughout the Bible
      • Adamic – God & Adam >> All of mankind
      • Noahic God & Noah
      • Abrahamic – God & Abraham
      • Mosaic – God & Moses
      • Davidic – God & David
      • Messianic – God & His Redeemed in Christ
    • Adamic Covenant: Man’s Role
      • Be fruitful & __________ & fill the earth
        • Productive, active
        • Procreate – a special blessing to create life as God created life.
        • Genesis 16, Genesis 29
      • __________ it & have dominion
        • How might this have been different before the fall of Adam and Eve?
      • Work the __________ (2:15)
        • Given every plan with seed for food
      • Do not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil or you will __________. (2:17)
        • This is the only one of the terms with a punishment for not following it.
  • (Gen 1:29)  And God said, “Behold, I have given you every __________ yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its __________. You shall have them for __________.
    • Early man was likely a __________
      • Post-flood they are told to eat meat in the __________ covenant
        • Also known as the Rainbow covenant.
        • Genesis 9:1-3
        • The Noahic Covenant is a one way covenant that is ____________________.  
  • (Gen 1:30)  And to every __________ of the earth and to every __________ of the heavens and to everything that __________ on the earth, everything that has the __________ of life, I have given every green plant for __________.” And it was so.
    • The same diet was true of animals
      • And possibly more restricted
        • Every green herb:  Essentially grass.
    • What about carnivores?
      • The lion? The cheetah?
    • And what about poisonous plants?
      • Poison ivy, Hemlock, Moonflowers, Castor beans: Surely those were not intended for food?
    • And interestingly there are no signs of __________ before the fall and extraordinary lengths of __________ after
      • Men living hundreds of __________
        • And seemingly vibrant in that.
      • Most plants can be consumed without killing the plant, In fact, many plants will put on more when they are __________.
      • Animals, however, must __________ to become food.
    • But all of that changed at the __________ of Adam and Eve.
      • The __________ was broken
      • The __________ withheld.
      • And we hold the promise of its restoration when Christ __________ all things.