• (Gen 1:31 ESV) And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was __________ good. And there was evening and there was morning, the __________ day.
    • Very good – exceedingly good
      • All things created perfectly by God
      • Working in perfect harmony together
      • With no glimmer of sin anywhere
    • Colossians 1:16-18
  • (Gen 2:1 ESV) Thus the heavens and the earth were __________, and __________ the host of them.
    • Did God need six days to get all of this done?
      • Why did He choose to take that amount of time?
    • When the text tells us all the host of them, we can rest assured that God made all things in heaven and on earth so that there was nothing new to make.
      • We might discover new things, but those too were created by God in the beginning.
      • Recap:
        • Day one:  Light
        • Day two: Sky and muddy earth
        • Day three: Dry land, water separated
        • Day four: Sun, moon and stars 
        • Day five: Fish and birds
        • Day 6: Land animals and mankind
      • The world is perfect.
        • No sin
        • No death
        • No pain
        • No suffering
        • No crime
        • No hunger
        • Everything is absolutely perfect.
      • Gen 3:13-24, Genesis 6:5-8
  • (Gen 2:2 ESV) And on the __________ day God __________ his work that he had done, and he __________ on the seventh day from all his work that he had done.
    • Finished in complete
      • No more work to do on it
    • Finished in consumed
      • Nothing is left over
    • Rested
      • Ceased
      • Stopped making
      • Started ruling
      • Do you think God was exhausted and needed a nap?
  • (Gen 2:3 ESV) So God __________ the seventh day and made it __________, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in __________.
    • The Mosaic covenant – past
      • Exodus 31:12-18
        • Work hard 6 says
        • And rest on the 7th day
      • It was taken to the extreme
        • As many things are still
        • When we focus only on the what
        • We forget too much of the why.
      • Luke 6:1-11, Mark 2:23-28
        • Jesus did not conform to their rules
        • He was and is Lord of the Sabbath also
    • The Sabbath under Christ – present
      • Hebrews 4:9-11
        • When we are saved
        • We are then to stop the labor of our own works
        • To gain righteousness 
        • And rest in the glory of God’s work
          • Now
          • And forever in heaven.