Sunday Notes: The Ancestors

  • Two genealogies
    • One is of Mary, the biological mother – Luke 3
    • The other of Joseph – the legal father – Matthew 1
  • (Luk 3:23 ESV) ___________, when he began his ministry, was about thirty years of age, being the son (as was supposed) of ___________, the son of Heli (Eli),
    • Supposed that the son, Jesus, was the son of Joseph
      • Joseph and Mary were not married yet
      • And sex between the two would be really taboo
        • So for her to turn up pregnant while they were engaged would mean one of two things
          • ________________________________________________________
          • ________________________________________________________
        • No one has a capacity here for immaculate conception
  • Adam
    • Mary’s line is traced all the way back to Adam and Eve
      • The first people created by God
      • And up through Noah, Abraham, King David, etc
    • Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 2:8, Genesis 2:18-25, Genesis 5:1-4
  • Enoch
    • Two Enochs from two lines are named in early Genesis.  This is the Enoch of the Seth branch, not the Cain branch.
      • The whole of mankind seems to be running from righteousness
        • And none man stands out: Enoch walked with ___________.
      • Genesis 4:23-26, Genesis 5:19-24
        • Enoch lived only ___________ years
        • And seemingly did not experience death
          • Hebrews 11:5
  • Noah & Shem
    • Another standout who was counted as righteous among a hell-bent population.
      • Genesis 6:13-14, Genesis 6:22
    • Noah still is not perfect
      • Genesis 9 – The stories we don’t tell
    • Yet a man who believed ___________
      • Hebrews 11:7
  • Abraham & Isaac
    • Abraham (Abram) – The pagan idol maker
      • The adulterer
      • The Liar
      • The doubter
    • Called out by God
      • Abraham is a man that trusts God, but fails in the weakness of flesh.  He has highs and lows but his heart is increasingly focused on God’s calling.
      • Hebrews 11:8-10, 17-19, Galatians 3:5-9
  • Jacob & Esea
    • And against custom it is Jacob that carries on the line not ___________, the first born son.
      • Jacob the deceiver
      • Jacob the adulterer
      • Jacob the liar
    • Jacob the promised line to the Messiah.
  • Judah
    • Fourth son of a wife ___________ never wanted.
    • Sells his little ___________ into slavey
    • Maybe the pinnacle of a dirtbag
  • Tamar
    • Who has a son named Perez with ___________
      • Judah was her father in law.  Yuck.
    • We find the two ends here
      • The high and self-righteous Judah
      • The low and forgotten Tamar
        • Not unlike the next two: Boaz and Ruth in their positions
      • Christ came for both the ___________ and the low
        • For the religious and the ___________
        • For the sinner and for the ___________
  • Boaz & Ruth
    • Boaz is the son of Rahab
      • Rahab was not a Jew
        • She was a ___________ prostitute – remember the story of Jericho and the wall falling down?  Rahab is the one who hides the Israelites in her house and lies to the guards.
        • Hebrews 11:31., James 2:25
    • Boaz is a really, really good guy
      • Marries ___________, a Moabite woman and a barren widow. Four knocks against her for sure.
      • Their union produces Obed > Jesse > David the king.
  • King David
    • A man after God’s own ___________
    • A man of significant moral failure
    • A man chosen and used by ___________ 
      • According to God’s will
      • For God’s glory
    • David has a lot wives and concubines
      • Thus a lot of kids
  • The line splits here for Mary and Joseph
  • Nathan > Mary
    • Whom we know almost nothing about.
  • Solomon > Joseph
    • The line of the throne
    • The son of Bathsheba
      • Yes, THAT Bathsheba.
    • And the line continues in scandal it seems:
      • Rehoboam – Helps split the kingdom. promoted pagan worship and idolatry
  • Asaph (Asa)
    • Started strong, but finished aligned with Aram and ended rejecting God
  • Jehosaphat
    • Waffled back and forth between trusting God and trusting the other kings around him.
  • Joram, son of Jehosaphat
    • Kills his brothers, takes the throne
    • Gets a wife from another pagan country
    • And proceeds to flush the kingdom down the drain
  • Uzziah – maybe the inventor of the catapult & mechanized warfare.
  • Hezekiah – one of the better kings of the dynasty.  His reverence to God was greater than David and his righteousness was mostly unshaken.
  • Manasseh – pretty much the opposite of his dad Hezekiah
  • Amos is assassinated by his own people
  • Josiah – brings a return to the ___________
    • Discovers to book of the law and turns the nation back to God. This is the first time in at least 57 years that the reading of the word of God happens.  Both kings prior were wicked and Josiah rules 18 years before finding this book.
  • Jechonia/Eliakim – when Babylon takes Israel
    • The story of Daniel is here – Israel captive to Babylon
    • Cursed to be childless – no heir to the throne
      • Which is why it is so important that Jesus does not carry the blood of Joseph the descendant of Jeconiah.
    • Jeremiah 22:28 – the first part of his name was cut off as a sign of disgrace
  • Shealtiel – shows up in both lists assumed to be adoption following the war and captivity.
    • Jechonia was cursed to be childless by God and a man from the line of Nathan/Mary comes into the picture as the heir to the throne.
  • Zerubbabel –  Babylon falls to Persia under king Cyrus at this time. Around 520 BC, 500ish years before the birth of Christ
    • 330 BC Persia is taken by Alexander the Great, a Macedonian king.
    • Over the next couple hundred years Roman takes over more and more of the area rolling the Jews into the Roman empire where we find them at the time of Christ.