• What are angels?
    • Angels are __________ beings created by God
    • To do God’s will, To worship God, To serve __________ creation
    • Even the __________, Lucifer, was an __________ created by God before he rebelled
      • Isaiah 14:12-17, Revelation 12:4
  • Where do they come from?
    • Created by God without their own __________ function
      • Colossians 1:16, Luke 20:34-36
    • Before the __________ was made
      • Job 38:4-7
    • With the purpose of serving God and His creation in order to bring __________ to God
      • Hebrews 1:13-14
    • They are not like us as humans but we do serve the same purpose in creation: to bring glory to __________ name.
  • Why do they show up in this story?
    • Announcement of __________ the Baptist
      • Luke 1:8-25
        • Zechariah is a __________
        • The angel is named __________
        • The angel is here as a herald bringing a message from God
          • As Gabriel has been before
            • Daniel 8:15-19
            • Daniel 9:20-22
    • Announcement of __________ to Joseph
      • Matthew 1:18-25
        • This angel comes in a __________
          • A different appearance
          • We are not given his name however, many speculate it is Gabriel – the messenger in the rest of the story
        • The angel brings a message.
          • Don’t put her away or __________ her but take her as your wife
          • She has not lied or cheated. That child is from the __________ __________ and is the fulfillment of prophecy.
    • Announcement of Jesus to __________
      • Luke 1:26-38
        • The same angel sent to __________.
          • Likely the same one sent to __________
        • Like a visitor stopping by the house, Mary is awake and just having a normal day.
        • Her response: As you say __________. According to God’s , let it be done
          • Here I am, God. Send me.
        • What an example we have in Mary.
    • Announcement of Jesus to the __________
      • Luke 2:8-15
        • The shepherds are __________ guys having a normal day at __________.
        • But their encounter with the angels is the most __________ of them all.
        • They are filled with fear
          • We have seen this before
          • When an angel shows up we immediately know their power and holiness
            • And recognize our __________ of both.
    • Protection & Direction
      • Matthew 2:13-23
        • The angel appears to __________ in a new dream with instructions to leave.
        • And then again later to __________.
  • Where else do they show up?
    • In the Old Testament – to name a few
      • Present at creation Job 38:4, 7
      • Visiting Abraham with the promise of a son to come Genesis 18:2
      • Finding and ministering to Hagar after she ran away from Sarah and Abraham Genesis 16:7, Genesis 21:7
      • Rescued Lot, the nephew of Abraham Genesis 19:16
      • Jacob, from Abraham’s line encountered angels numerous times
        • The dream with the stairway to heaven is one memorable experience Genesis 31:11
      • The angel of death in Exodus sent to kill all the firstborn in Egypt Exodus 12
      • In the giving of the Mosaic law to the Israelites Deuteronomy 33:2
      • The angel warning Balaam’s donkey not to continue Numbers 22:30-31
      • Rebuking Israel for their idolatry Judges 2:1-4
      • Cursing the enemies of the Lord Judges 5:23
      • Saving Daniel’s three friends from the fiery furnace Daniel 3:25
      • And Daniel himself from the Lion’s den Daniel 6:22
        • And on and on
    • In Jesus work and ministry – to name a few
      • Matthew 4:1-11 Temptation of Jesus two fold – Devil (negative) ministering angels (positive)
      • Luke 22:41-44 Jesus in the garden before the crucifixion receives support from an angel
      • Matthew 28:1-7 – At the tomb
    • In the end times – angels have a lot of action
      • Revelation 10:1-7 is but one example.
    • Throughout Scripture
      • Angels come in many __________
        • And do many __________
      • All in the will of __________
        • To bring __________ message to people
        • To do __________ work in the world
        • To complete __________ plans for history
      • Angels are the servants of God
        • Created by __________
        • Directed by __________
    • Completely and totally devoted to __________. 
  • They have a different perspective than we do
    • While they are in the presence of God
      • We are not.
    • While they see His full glory now
      • We do not
    • While we are saved by faith
      • They do not have faith
    • Angels walk in sight of God and all His greatness
    • Humans walk in faith trusting that greatness we cannot readily see