• Malachi 4:1-6

    • A promise is made to the nation ____________

      • God will send not one, but two

        • There will be a prophet like ____________ who will be sent first

        • There will be one to come after that as well: A Messiah who will restore all things

    • ____________ years have passed. How long would you wait for God to fulfill His promise?

  • Luke 1:5-25

    • ____________ was a king selected by the Roman Empire to rule of the area where the Jewish people live – thus he was called ____________ of the Jews

    • Zacheriah was a priest in the Jewish religion

      • Both Zacheriah and his wife are said to be righteous, yet not blessed with any children – children being a sign of God’s blessing in their culture.

      • Prosperity and faith are not to be directly linked.  Many bad things often happen to very faithful people.  Your life events do not always unfold because of your level of faith or religious function.

    • Zacheriah’s ____________ will be answered in having a child, but more than that this child will be the fulfillment of God’s long awaited promise of a ____________.

      • Malachi 4:1-6

    • Catch this: Zechariah spent his life as a priest serving God yet even he doubts this message sent by God inlight of his own ability and place in life.

      • Like us, Zechariah held a measure of ____________

        • Mark 9:20-27

          • Help me with my unbelief

            • Have you been there?

          • God I know you can…

  • Luke 1:39-45

    • Likely this is a surprise visit – no way to call ahead afterall

    • And it is likely that Elizabeth knew not of ____________ pregnancy – or vice-versa

    • V. 41 And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary

    • The baby leaped in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the ____________ ____________.

      • Imagine that sensation  the baby in Elizabeth leaping in praise of the Messiah within Mary

      • If only we knew of the conversations held over those next three months with the two expecting mothers.

  • Luke 1:57-80

    • The whole birth event seems rather downplayed.  Why do you think that is?

    • Naming the child John was against ____________ and certainly confusing for their family and friends

      • Yet these two remain ____________

        • Even when the community, the culture, the friends, and the family don’t get it

        • Even when it is not the tradition

        • Even when it is outside the box

      • Faithful to do what ____________ has called regardless

        • The boy’s name shall be called John.

        • Zechariah – That name means “remembered of Jehovah”

          • God, Jehovah, remembered

            • Remember His people

            • Remembered His promise

            • Remembered the prophecy some 400 years before in Malachi

        • John – That name means “Jehovah is gracious giver”

          • A prophet as promised: John

          • To announce a Savior as promised.

      • Psalm 30

        • Let us give thanks for a gracious God

        • And His grace in calling us redeemed.