• Micah 5:2-4
    • The Romans issued the census but the plan was ____________ all along.
      • That is would move Joseph and Mary to ____________
      • At the exact time ____________ was to be born
        • That was not the agenda of the Romans
        • God is greater than the Romans.
  • Luke 2:1-7
    • (Luk 2:1 ESV) In those days a decree went out from Caesar ____________ that all the world should be registered.
    • (Luk 2:2 ESV) This was the first registration when ____________ was governor of ____________.
      • a historical milestone
        • Caesar Augustus lived from 63 bc – 14 ad
          • Also known as Octavian
      • Syria
        • A Roman province 
        • Cobbled together to include:
          • ____________, Samaria, Idumea
        • It was put under the thumb of Quirinius for the purposes of taking a ____________
      • This comes in a time known as the Pax Romana
        • Roughly 27 BC to ____________
    • (Luk 2:3 ESV) And all went to be registered, each to his own town.
    • (Luk 2:4 ESV) And Joseph also went up from ____________, from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of ____________, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David,
    • (Luk 2:5 ESV) to be registered with ____________, his betrothed, who was with child.
      • Remember, Joseph is in the line of David
        • On the side of Solomon
        • An heir as it were to the throne
          • Bethlehem is the city of David
    • (Luk 2:6 ESV) And while they were there, the time came for her to give ____________.
      • We do not have details for the timeline of the journey or the birth
        • It could have been within ____________ of their arrival or ____________.
        • We do know they stayed in Bethlehem for sometime, possibly ____________.
    • (Luk 2:7 ESV) And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a ____________, because there was no place for them in the ____________.
      • The innkeepers name was:
      • The address of the inn was:
      • The actual building where Jesus was born was a:
      • This paints a picture of poverty
        • Of a humble birth not fit for a king.
      • Surely if they knew, the innkeeper would make room for God!
        • But they didn’t. Why?
        • God ____________ His Son to Mary
          • And Joseph, The shepherds, The wiseman, Even to Elizabeth, And John the Baptist knows even before he is ____________.  
          • Yet the innkeeper, whoever he may be, missed it.  Herod could not find him.  And many people in Bethlehem had no idea.
        • It was as if there was a shroud of ____________ around this whole thing.
    • Matthew 11:25-30
      • General Call:
        • Romans 10:10-15 – be saved
        • Romans 10:16-21 – not all will be saved
        • John 3:16 – be saved
        • John 3:17-21 – but people love darkness and reject the light
        • That’s the general outward plea, very different than the inward call that saves.
        • Hearing vs believing
      • Effectual Call:
        • Sinners never look to obey God on their own. Until they are transformed by the ____________ ____________ they have no yearning for the things of God.
        • Matthew 11:27
        • John 6:36-40
        • Romans 8:28
      • Man’s Fallacy: Corruption
        • Humans are ____________ so their thoughts are ____________ and their conclusions will be ____________ as well.
        • It is not until we are divinely altered by the Holy Spirit that the ____________ of ____________ impacts us
          • And our ____________ are transformed
          • Our hearts are ____________
          • Our sins are ____________
          • We are fully justified before ____________
          • The effectual calling of God changes our corrupt minds
            • By ____________ Grace
            • For ____________ Glory
      • The Solution:
        • First: Pray
          • For those who do not know God
        • Second: Share
          • What God has done for them in His grace.
        • Third: Study the Bible
          • We study the Word, teach the Word, share the Word
        • Fourth: Be thankful for all that God has done
      • 1 Corinthians 1:26-31
      • 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17
      • 1 Peter 5:8-10
    • Everyone had a place, except for ____________.  
      • He had no place for His birth
        • A borrowed ____________
      • He had no place for His burial
        • A borrowed ____________  
      • Jesus had no place in this world of sin.  
        • This world was not His ____________  
      • He came for a purpose with a plan from God.  
        • Luke 9:58
    • In like fashion, this world is not our ____________  
      • In Christ we have another home.  
      • A ____________ home.  
      • An ____________ home prepared for us.  
      • Because of Christ we are justified before God 
    • As sinful men and women there is no room for us in heaven.  
      • In the presence of God we have no place.  ____________ makes us right before God.
      • John 14:1-6
      • And for those who believe
        • There is no longer room for them in this ____________.
        • We are are ____________ out, set ____________, made to be different from the sin-stained world we are part of
        • To us the ____________ will say: We have no room for your kind here
        • But our Lord will say: Well done my good and faithful ____________.
    • So praise Him this week
      • For His amazing grace
      • For His loving mercy
      • For His generous gift of salvation
    • And for His granting you faith to believe