• Intro: Peace
    • Daniel 2:20-22
    • Romans 13:1-7
    • 1 Peter 2:13-15
    • Titus 3:1-2
  • Rise of Rome
    • Luke 2:1-6
    • Founded in 753 BC by Romulus and __________
      • The book of Daniel was written a couple hundred years after his around 530 BC
      • Around 27 BC the __________ place their first emperor
        • Caesar __________
        • Who ruled Rome at the birth of Christ
          • This comes in a time known as the Pax __________ roughly 27 BC to 14 AD
        • At the time of the death of Christ Tiberius Caesar Augustus was the emperor
      • __________ is appointed as governor
      • __________ the Great was in the local “king” position when Jesus was born.
    • The scene is set:
      • A Jewish baby born in __________
      • Under the kingship of a man named Herod who was an official of the __________ empire.
        • Why did it all happen this way?
  • Daniel 2:27-45
    • Background: Daniel is an Israelite who has been taken to Babylon and put into a court of advisors for King Nebuchadnezzer – the most powerful man in the world.
      • This lines out the future of the rising and falling of nations beginning with Nebuchadnezzer’s Babylon
      • Followed by the Medo-Persian empire: Two arms of __________ – The Medes and The Persians
        • From whom the wise men came.
      • The third, of bronze: __________
      • Fourth, __________: Legs of iron
      • And there will be a fifth to come: These feet of clay and iron with ten toes will be the weakest of all.
      • There is more to come that has not been fulfilled in world history
    • Since the beginning and all the way to the end __________ has had a master plan for the world and __________ will see it through all world events.
      • Romans 8:28
  • Matthew 2:1-23
    • This is __________ the Great – Ruled 37-4 B.C.
      • Herod the Great came from a well connected family
      • They were Jews by their religious heritage but certainly not by their righteous practice.
    • Herod was king of the client state under __________
      • Rome is more powerful than __________ so while there is some autonomous rule locally Rome is ultimately over them
      • Herod here is a __________ man
        • While his is in charge he can be removed also by Rome
      • His seat of power is not guaranteed
        • When these __________ king makers – the wisemen –  show up with some announcement about a new king being born… __________ is shaken
    • Micah 5:1-5 – written in 740ish BC
      • Nearly 200 years before Babylon takes Israel
      • And __________ is pulled into this throng of wisemen
      • The wisemen had this book! They incorporated this prophecy into their wisdom.
    • __________ planned this whole thing
      • Every detail of it
      • And all of it to reveal __________ power and glory
        • Israel:  It is not your might that will save you
          • It is the __________
        • Israel: it is not you who will bring peace
          • It is the __________
      • (Mic 5:4 ESV) And __________ shall stand and shepherd __________ flock in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty of the name of the __________ __________ __________. And they shall dwell secure, for now __________ shall be great to the ends of the earth.
      • (Mic 5:5 ESV) And __________ shall be their peace. When the Assyrian comes into our land and treads in our palaces, then we will raise against him seven shepherds and eight princes of men;
    • These wisemen certainly shook things up in Bethlehem
      • Herod was very concerned about the potential of a __________ coming to unseat him
      • We also know that Herod was ruthless otherwise
        • Killing his own __________ and children even to retain his power.
      • Remember Herod was raised in a Jewish tradition
        • That would mean attending worship in the temple, hearing the Scriptures read – even if that was only for show.
      • Yet, Herod is __________ to this whole event
        • Until this throng of Persians show up in town he has no idea
        • And even searching them out Herod is no more educated about who this __________ is or where He might be.
    • Prophecy for the glory of God
      • Matthew 2:15 – Hosea 11:1
      • Matthew 2:18 – Jeremiah 31:15
      • Matthew 2:23 – John 1:45-46 – Isaiah 49:7 – Isaiah 53:3-5
        • Nazareth was to __________ as __________ __________ is to America.
  • The Herods were part of the plan of __________
    • As were the __________.
    • All of this over all time
      • All the things that happen in human history are tools of the Sovereign __________ of the Universe to enact His will and show His glory.
        • Herod Antipas
          • Ruled 4 B.C.-A.D. __________
          • Matthew 14:1-11
          • Luke 23:1-16
        • Herod Philip the Tetrarch
          • Ruled __________ B.C.-A.D. 34
        • Herod Agrippa I
          • Ruled A.D. 37-__________
          • Acts 12:1-7
          • Acts 12:20-25
        • Herod Agrippa II
          • Ruled A.D. __________ – A.D. 93
          • Acts 25:22-27
          • Acts 26:26-32
  • We might ask why still
    • Why all the trouble, war, death, etc.
    • Why now do __________ things happen to good people?
    • Why is it that evil men seem to rise to powerful positions?
    • Why do tragedies strike __________ families?
  • God’s will is always enacted
    • He either __________ things to be or He allows them to be according to __________ master plan that is far and beyond our ability to fully comprehend.
  • When created Adam and Eve He was to be their __________
    • But those wanted sin more and He turned them over to it
  • When God established His covenant with His chosen people He would be their God they would be His __________
    • But Israel did not want His Kingship they wanted a human king 
      • 1 Samuel 8
  • There will be a restoration of the theocracy in which __________ will be the king and we will be His __________
  • When His people humble themselves and pray to Him He will hear and heal them.

When will you do that?