• Where did God come from?
    John 1:1-4; Genesis 1:1, 26-27

    • God was in the ___________
    • He was not created.  He did the ___________.
    • ___________ were made in His image
    • Exodus 3:14
      • I AM WHO I AM – I exist because I exist
      • God is.  God has been.  God will always be.
  • Immutable – God doesn’t ___________
    • Malachi 3:6-7; James 1:17-18
    • We ___________, God does not
    • Even while with us as sinners, God does not ___________ to be like us.
      • He is a boat in the water, but there is not water in the boat.
  • Omnipresent – ___________ all the time
    • 1 Kings 8:27; Jeremiah 23:23-24, Hebrews 13:5
      • There is no escape from His ___________
      • There is no place too far ___________
      • Certainly our minds cannot contain the wholeness of God.  
      • All of the heavens and earth cannot contain the wholeness of ___________.  
    • Matthew 28:18-20
      • God commissions us to go about His work and promises what? 
    • Job 31:4
      • God ___________ everything we do
      • God ___________ everything we think
      • God even knows the desires of our hearts.
  • Omnipotent – All ___________
    • Job 9:19; Revelation 19:6; Luke 1:37; Isaiah 40:28
      • God has the power to do anything
      • One of the names of God is Almighty.  
        • He is ___________ mighty.  
        • He is ___________ powerful.  
        • Nothing is impossible with God.
    • Romans 9:13-18, Romans 11:35-36
      • God has the authority to do anything.  
        • Nothing can ___________ Him.
      • God will do what God wants to do to accomplish His divine ___________ whether we like it or not.
  • Omniscient – All ___________
    • Psalm 147:5; 1 Timothy 1:17; Jude 1:25; Romans 16:27
      • God ___________ everything, understands everything and even this is greater than our ability to ___________.
      • God’s knowledge is infinite, never ending, beyond any measure such that only God could possibly know how much God knows.
    • Isaiah 40:13-14; Romans 11:33-34; Isaiah 48:8; Matthew 6:31-43
      • We can teach Him ___________
      • When we pray, even, we are not informing God of anything He is unaware of.
      • Our lack of knowledge about God does not change the ___________ about Him.
  • God is Holy – He is infinitely ___________ forever
    • Isaiah 6:3; Revelation 4:8; Psalm 111:9; Hebrews 10:26-31
      • God is ___________ and everything He does is holy.  We are the opposite.
      • Through ___________ He has provided that way for us to be holy and with Him eternally