• Going back 10 __________
    • Genesis 19:1-13
      • V. 8: Make note of these two girls
    • Genesis 19:30-38
      • The sinfulness of this family results in the nations of __________ and Ammon
      • Lot is the nephew of __________
      • Living in Sodom and __________
        • The cities destroyed by God
        • Raining down fire
        • For their sinfulness
      • Lot escapes with his two __________
        • Who are thoroghly corrupted.
        • Each one has a son who becomes the father of a nation
          • Moab – father of the __________
          • Ben Ammi – father of the people of __________
        • Any ties between these two nations and Israel is strictly forbidden by __________
          • Deuteronomy 23:2-3
    • The Balaam Account: Numbers 22-24
      • Israel is forbidden to attack Moab and Ammon by
        • Deuteronomy 2:9, 19
        • In fact, Israel was to be a __________ to these people – a customer even
          • Buying food and water from the __________ as they passed through
        • Maybe even sharing the common origin of Abraham and the knowledge of a God they mutually were connected to.
      • We know that one purpose of the nation of Israel was not to keep God a secret, but to be a blessing to the world.
        • __________ was never supposed to be secluded
          • But to be generous and helpful to those they encountered
        • God called His people to be a light for __________ the nations.
          • Isaiah 42:6, 49:6, 52:10, Acts 12:44-47
          • Even though they would fail in their mission over and over again.
        • The same holds true for Lot’s family
          • And ours today.
          • God __________ people for His will to be done.
            • Genesis 11:27, Deuteronomy 2:26-29
        • Moab knows they cannot challenge Israel in a __________ battle: Numbers 22:1-6
          • Israel has just defeated the king Sihon 
            • Who had just recently taken a huge amount of land from the Ammorites
          • Instead of war the Moabites will seek __________ intervention
            • Maybe a god will fight for them
              • Thus the summons for __________
          • But it does not work
            • Instead of curses, Balaam speaks __________
          • So on to plan c: destroy them from the __________.
      • Numbers 25:1-3, 17-18
        • The Moabites intice the Israelites into pagan worship, sex cults, and temple prostitutes.
        • God orders the Israelites the make ________
      • A hard line is drawn between the people of __________ and the people lf __________.