• (Rth 1:6 ESV) Then she __________ with her daughters-in-law to return from the country of __________, for she had heard in the fields of Moab that the __________ had visited his people and given them __________.
    • Then she arose
      • Genesis 4:8, Genesis 6:18, Genesis 17:7, Ruth 4:5, 7
      • This idea is not a split second decision
        • Not something decided on a whim
      • __________ had likely been looking at this option for quite some time, talking about the possibility of going back home
        • It seems that there is a longing for return
          • A heart bent for what was
          • A desire to right the things wronged
          • Maybe that is the call of God pulling her back: That idea of redemption
            • God brings __________ what was lost.
    • The LORD had __________ His people and given them food
      • To visit is not to __________
        • To show up seems to indicate that one had __________
        • To remember gives us the idea of having __________
      • But God is omnipresent
        • __________ all the time
      • And God is omniscient
        • Knowing __________ things forever
      • How can He visit if he is already there and remember what He cannot forget?
        • He did not and He does not.
        • This is a human view of the blessing of God
        • As He grants their __________, they perceive He is back with them.  In reality He always was.
        • While we individually or nationally might turn __________ away from God, He has never turned __________ away from us.
        • Luke 1:67-71
      • This is redemption: that __________ would bring us back because we wandered away in our hearts.
  • (Rth 1:7 ESV) So she set out from the place where she was with her __________ daughters-in-law, and they went on the way to return to the land of __________.
    • The family is different now
      • Not those bright eyed youths with little  boys running around their feet
    • Now a bitter old __________ with two unclean, forbidden daughters-in-law in to keep fed
      • How would the __________ people take to them?
        • The Moabites were __________
        • __________ forbidden, Cursed forever
        • What would the people do when they showed up in town?
  • (Rth 1:8 ESV) But __________ said to her two daughters-in-law, “Go, return each of you to her mother’s house. May the LORD deal kindly with you, as you have dealt with the __________ and with me.
    • The idea of returning to their __________ houses
      • Is a cultural reference to seeking safety
        • And the long term need to remarry.
        • There is safety in the established __________ of the family
        • And safety in the __________ of a marriage long term.
  • (Rth 1:9 ESV) The LORD grant that you may find __________, each of you in the house of her __________!” Then she kissed them, and they lifted up their voices and __________.
    • Naomi rightly sees that she can provide them nothing of what they need
      • She calls on the __________ to provide
      • To meet the needs of these girls she loves as daughters, but cannot provide for in her condition
        • That __________ would provide for the rest for their lives
    • This is a very real scene we can relate to – good bye – forever
      • Sometimes that happens in the plan
      • Sometimes the last goodbye was supposed to be  temporary – we thought
      • In the middle of this journey to __________
        • __________ is making her split with her daughters-in-law permanent
        • Never again to see these girls.
        • She goes back to __________
        • They go home to their families in __________.
  • (Rth 1:10 ESV) And they said to her, “No, we will return with you to your __________.”
    • Amazing how strong a bond becomes when it is forged in the __________ of life.
      • And here that is getting dissolved.
    • Naomi knows what lies in store – the future is bleak
    • And the Israelite culture will __________ them
      • But it is her only hope to survive
      • And for them to thrive
    • If she really loved them
      • She would let them __________
      • Give them to best life possible
        • Which can’t possibly be with her anymore.
  • We’ve been there
    • Stuck in a way we never planned on
      • That we would do such and such just this __________
      • Live this way for excitement for a __________
    • Then a decade later we are stuck
      • Never where we intended to be
      • In way over our heads
      • Drowning even.
  • We’ve been there
    • Where we commit to something 
      • Maybe __________ quickly
      • Maybe something we should have really measured
      • And we realize we __________ do it
        • We can’t be in this anymore
      • Its not what I thought
        • And we look for the __________
    • __________ does that to us
      • Lures us in with a lie
      • And nails us down with a burden too big to shake
  • We’ve been there
    • Where the draw of the __________ sucks us in
      • The popularity of people
      • The world’s __________
    • And we trade in the true goodness from __________
      • For the passing lies of the __________.
  • There is something of a line in the sand moment here in Ruth
    • That Naomi has decided she is going back __________
      • Back to her people
      • Back to her God
    • And nothing will stop her
      • Joshua 24:19-25, Luke 14:25-35, Matthew 6:31-33
  • We can connect to this:
    • You are in or out
    • Hot or __________
    • You can’t be on the team
      • And off the __________
  • Where do you land today?
    • Are you a __________ in the faith?
    • Maybe you are a super fan
      • Watching from the __________ in a jersey
      • So close to the game you can smell the __________
      • But not close enough to be a player?
  • In __________ it is either in or out
    • Not a little here and a little there
    • Not some now and some later on
  • Are you in the Lord committed to His will – or out?