• (Rth 2:1 ESV) Now __________ had a relative of her husband’s, a worthy man of the clan of Elimelech, whose name was __________.
    • A worthy man – Gibbor chayil
      • Judges 6:12, Judges 11:1, 2 Kings 15:20
      • Boaz is a man’s man.
      • At this time in Israel there is not a formal army.
        • Should a foreign power attack it is on the people to arm and defend themselves
          • It is entirely possible that Boaz had seen armed conflict
      • There is a contrast here to Naomi and __________
        • They were poor, destitute, vulnerable, hungry
        • Boaz was the opposite of all those things.
    • Of the clan of __________
      • Jewish society has 12 tribes
      • Under the tribes they had clans
      • So Elimelech and Boaz are of the same tribe: __________ was their tribe
      • And also of the same clan of that tribe: __________
  • (Rth 2:2 ESV) And Ruth the Moabite said to Naomi, “Let me go to the field and glean among the ears of grain after him in whose sight I shall find favor.” And she said to her, “Go, my daughter.”
    • Catch the contrast here.
      • We have the fine, upstanding, __________.
        • A man of valor and power
        • A man of pure descent
        • A man of the elite tribe of God’s people
      • And the scum of the earth Moabitess, __________.
        • A woman of the lowest nationality
        • A woman of pagan idolatry
      • One who has it __________ and one who has __________
    • Ruth is going to go out and look for food in the fields
    • After the harvesters had finished.
      • This was common for the poorest of the poor
      • To go along picking up bits that were left behind in the field.
    • Catch Ruth’s respect for __________ in this
      • Her submission to the authority in her life.
    • Why are they not both out trying to make it?
      • Life expectancy at this time is not that long.
        • Naomi was an adult with children when she left Bethlehem
        • She might be past the physical point  of working like that
        • It really all does rest on __________ for them to survive.
  • (Rth 2:3 ESV) So she set out and went and __________ in the field after the reapers, and she happened to come to the part of the field belonging to __________, who was of the clan of __________.
    • Happened to, but was not by __________.
      • __________ directs even the “accidental”
    • It is no chance that Ruth arrived in a field that belonged to Boaz
      • This was the divine direction of God
  • (Rth 2:4 ESV) And behold, Boaz came from __________. And he said to the reapers, “The __________ be with you!” And they answered, “The LORD __________ you.”
    • Just then __________ showed up. What luck!
      • It is __________ who directs our paths.
    • And he said to the reapers The Lord be with you!
      • Catch the character of Boaz here.
      • Shouting blessings on his workers
      • Not cursing or crass joking
      • How would workplaces change if there was an attitude of blessing and prayer for the people?
  • (Rth 2:5 ESV) Then Boaz said to his young man who was in charge of the reapers, “Whose young __________ is this?”
    • Whose young woman is this?
      • He did not recognize her.
      • She likely looked like the rest of them
        • Remember the Moabites descended from Lot
          • Who was the nephew of __________
          • Abraham from whom the __________ descended.
      • More likely she is someone he has not seen before
        • Growing up in this place, __________ likely knew everyone
      • And being in his own fields with his own workers
        • He would likely know them all pretty well.
      • When this stranger shows up he rightly asks…
        • Where did she come from?
  • (Rth 2:6 ESV) And the servant who was in charge of the reapers answered, “She is the young __________ woman, who came back with __________ from the country of Moab.
  • (Rth 2:7 ESV) She said, ‘Please let me __________ and gather among the __________ after the __________.’ So she came, and she has continued from early morning until now, except for a short rest.”
    • Ruth asks to glean and gather
      • That is fine
    • Among the sheaves
      • This would be in the middle of the harvest before they were __________!
      • Gathering grain from and around the piles waiting to be carried out of the field.
    • After the reapers
      • Ruth is asking if she can follow after the reapers among the __________ grain
    • This is something the foreman could not authorize and no land owner was required to allow.
    • We saw in her dedication to continue with Naomi
      • A __________ attitude
        • One that would take risks 
        • One that has faith beyond the norm
          • Deciding on what she hopes for
          • Not on what she sees.
    • We see in her request here the same
      • She is not satisfied with the status quo
        • If Ruth is to __________ she must go beyond
      • Never assume the no – ask and let them say no.
  • (Rth 2:8 ESV) Then Boaz said to __________, “Now, listen, my daughter, do not go to __________ in another field or leave this one, but keep close to my young women.
    • Now listen my daughter
      • This is a term of acceptance to the family and society
    • Catch the contrast of the outcast coming to the inside
      • Boaz – the man at the core of the inside of Israel
      • Ruth – as much of an outsider as is possible.
        • And he brings her in
        • From __________ – To __________.
    • But keep close to my young women.
      • You left your father and mother, your own lands to __________ to us.
      • Now cling.
        • Ruth clung to __________
        • Now should would cling to the people of Boaz
  • (Rth 2:9 ESV) Let your eyes be on the field that they are reaping, and go after them. Have I not charged the young men not to touch you? And when you are thirsty, go to the vessels and drink what the young men have drawn.”
  • (Rth 2:10 ESV) Then she fell on her face, bowing to the ground, and said to him, “Why have I found favor in your eyes, that you should take notice of me, since I am a foreigner?”
    • Ruth is in a __________ position
      • And it was not uncommon for women in her position to be taken advantage of
        • Boaz offers her __________ in his fields and among his people
    • Ruth is also of marriageable age and status
      • And it would be entirely likely for one of the workers to pursue that option
        • Also __________ by Boaz’s instruction
    • So Ruth
      • Seeks the bold move
      • And permission is granted.
        • But more than that
          • She is given protection
      • And even more than that
        • She is given inclusion