Sunday Notes: Colossians 1:1-2

  • (Col 1:1 ESV) Paul, an _______________ of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and _______________ our brother,
    • An apostle was a _______________
      • A messenger called out directly by _______________
      • Most of these are the _______________ 
        • Who went with Jesus while He was here.
      • Paul is the anomaly. 
        • Not a _______________
        • Not a follower of _______________
      • Offices of the church:
        • Apostles – Expired
        • _______________ – Expired
        • Evangelists
        • _______________ (Elders & Deacons)
        • Ephesians 4:11-12, 1 Corinthians 12:28, 1 Timothy 3:1-7. Titus 1:5-9, 1 Peter 5:1-2, Hebrews 13:17, 1 Timothy 3:8-13
      • Like Paul’s calling, these offices are by the will of God
        • According to the _______________ of God.
    • Timothy
      • Called Paul’s _______________ in the faith
      • Spent some _______________ years traveling and working with Paul
      • Eventually sent to oversee the church at _______________
        • Philippians 2:19-20, 1 Corinthians 4:16-17, 1 Thesselonians 3:1-3
      • Currently the two are together.
        • Possibly in a _______________ jail
          • Potentially under house arrest
            • As Paul seems to have visitors.
      • Also in their company is the _______________, the pastor from Colossae.
  • (Col 1:2 ESV) To the _______________ and faithful _______________ in Christ at _______________: Grace to you and peace from _______________ our Father.
    • To the saints
      • Hagios
        • Matthew 1:18, Matthew 1:20, Matthew 3:11, Matthew 4:5, Matthew 7:6
      • It means a _______________ thing
      • Holy –  Set _______________
        • The church is comprised of people
          • Reformed _______________
          • Pulled from a life in the things of the _______________ and set on a new course in the things of God
          • Called out, set apart, _______________ to this work of God
      • We are the saints of God
        • His people
        • Holy
        • Set apart for His work
      • We are dedicated by _______________
        • To a life lived now in _______________
        • And forever with _______________ in heaven
      • John 13 – Jesus humbles Himself before instituting the elements of communion
        • Symbolizing us being set apart in Him
      • John 17 – Jesus prays that the Holy Father keep His disciples set apart in Him.
    • Paul writes to the church at Colossae
      • He wrote to a people set apart
      • A people dedicated to _______________
      • As we are today
        • The church local
        • We join in this group of the saints
        • Those _______________ _______________
          • Not for the _______________
          • But for the _______________
    • The faithful brothers in Christ at _______________
      • Pistos – Faithful
      • Adelphos – ad-el-fos’
        • Brothers
        • A fellow believer, united to another by the bond of _______________
      • Remember: Paul never met these people, yet he is connected to them in _______________ brotherhood.
    • Grace to you
      • Charis – Grace, favor, _______________ will
      • Paul wishes on these brothers and sisters:
        • God’s _______________ to be poured out
        • God’s _______________ to be shined down
        • God’s _______________ to be revealed
        • God’s _______________ to be felt
        • God’s _______________ to be fulfilled
    • And peace from God our Father.
      • Do you feel the same way about the saints?
        • That love and affection for brothers and sisters in Christ?



  • Is church for you an obligation or a joy?



  • We are the people of God on earth until He takes us to _______________
    • In that mindset
      • Colossians 3:2
        • Set your _______________ on things that are _______________, not on things that are on _______________.
  • So worry not with all the things of this world
    • Don’t stress about this life
      • What you will _______________
      • What you will _______________
      • What you will _______________
    • For your Father in heaven knews you need all of these things
    • And He is faithful to provide them to you
  • Instead
    • I urge you this week to spend your time in prayer to God
      • For the saints
      • Those local here and those scattered all over
    • Pray for their hearts
    • For their minds
    • For their steadfast dedication to the Lord.