Sunday Notes: Colossians 1:3-8

  • (Col 1:3 ESV) We always thank _______________, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we _______________ for you,
    • Paul often writes of his _______________ for the saints in other books
      • It is more than _______________ – Paul lives out that thankfulness
      • For what God has done and is doing around the world for the _______________.
    • Paul is thankful to _______________
      • God is the root of all of the work of His people
      • God is over the church
      • God is sovereign in _______________ things.
    • Paul is in prayer for these believers in Colossae
      • That church and those disciples are a work of God’s will through His chosen instruments.
      • Not _______________ plan, God’s plan.
        • Ephesians 2:8-10
      • That same is true of every believer and every true church before or after
        • All called, established, and sustained by _______________.
        • All done for His glory by His own will.
  • (Col 1:4 ESV) since we heard of your _______________ in Christ Jesus and of the _______________ that you have for all the _______________,
    • Paul and Timothy are thankful to God for these believers
      • For their faith
        • Faith…
          • Is a _______________ from God – John 6:44-47
          • Causes _______________ – Acts 11:10-18
          • Produces _______________ – James 2:14-26
          • Produces _______________ for God and for people
      • For their love
        • Paul’s love for the people of Colossae is an outpouring of _______________ love for Paul
        • The same is true of us
          • To the measure we realize God’s unconditional _______________ for us, we are compelled to love _______________.
  • (Col 1:5 ESV) because of the hope laid up for you in heaven. Of this you have heard before in the word of the truth, the gospel,
    • Hope is a product of our _______________ in God
      • We look forward to the things of _______________ with confidence
      • Because we trust in the sovereign Lord who saved us and _______________ us to His work.
      • This is the opposite of instant gratification.
    • The _______________ life is different from the world
      • While we live here now
      • And we do enjoy the blessing of God in this life
      • Our true hope is in _______________
        • Romans 8:18, Philippians 3:20-21
    • We can spend our whole lives building up the material
      • But there is always more materialism to draw us away.
        • 1 Peter 1:3-5
    • All of this revealed in the _______________ of God given to His people.
  • (Col 1:6 ESV) which has come to you, as indeed in the whole world it is bearing _______________ and increasing–as it also does among you, since the day you heard it and understood the _______________ of God in truth,
    • Like a tree planted and watered and cared for
      • It is expected to grow
        • To get larger and be healthy
      • It is expected to make fruit.
    • We are rooted in _______________
      • Planted in the grace of God
      • Watered by His living Word.
      • Pruned by the Father Himself
      • So that we can produce fruit.
        • John 15:16
  • (Col 1:7 ESV) just as you learned it from _______________ our beloved fellow servant. He is a _______________ minister of Christ on your behalf
  • (Col 1:8 ESV) and has made known to us your love in the _______________.
    • That is the Holy Spirit
      • The third member of the _______________ God
        • And subject of his week’s devotional
      • As believers we are given the very Spirit of God
        • To live inside of us and guide us.
          • Matthew 28:19-20
      • By the Spirit we are _______________
      • By the _______________ we are given understanding
      • By the Spirit we find the _______________ of God
    • Epaphras we led by the _______________ _______________ to encounter Paul
      • Where he heard the _______________
      • And this fire is lit in his _______________
      • To follow God’s will in taking this Gospel back home and start a Christian movement in _______________.
        • That is the work of the Spirit of God inside the _______________ of God
        • Paul where he is supposed to be
          • Doing what he is supposed to be doing
        • Epaphras maybe less aware of what is about to happen, yet driven every step by _______________ sovereign will.
    • The same is true in us
      • That _______________ directs every aspect that we come to know Him
      • Come to follow _______________ will
      • And find _______________ in doing so.
        • Glory be to God.
    • 1 Corinthians 3:1-11
      • The gospel is God’s
        • And the work of the gospel goes out by His _______________
        • Through His _______________.
      • One plants
        • One _______________
        • Always God makes it grow.
      • One lays the foundation
        • Another builds on it.
      • That the gospel travels by way of the people of God
        • To those whom God will reach
        • We are part of this channel
          • Who is it that you are to carry the gospel to?
          • What is your role in the promotion of God’s grace?
          • Who are you supposed to tell?
          • What are you supposed to plant?
          • Or water?
      • We are not called to sit and stare
        • We are called to go and share.
          • Go and share this week.