Sunday Notes: Colossians 1:9-11

  • (Col 1:9 ESV) And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to __________ for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual __________ and understanding,
    • From the time Paul found out about the work of Epaphras in taking the gospel to Colossae
    • Paul has been in ongoing prayer for those Christians
      • Prayer for….
        • Them to be filled with __________ of God’s will
        • To have all spiritual wisdom
        • And understanding
      • We arrive with these things by..
        • Diving into the __________
        • __________ often
        • Participating in the __________
      • James 1:5-7, Philippians 1:8-11
      • MacArthur: Having knowledge of God’s Word controls our minds is the key to righteous living.  What controls your thoughts will control your behavior.  Self-control is a result of mind-control, which is dependent on knowledge
  • (Col 1:10 ESV) so as to walk in a manner __________ of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing __________ in every good work and increasing in the __________ of __________;
    • Walking with God is a manner of living
      • Genesis 5:23-24, Genesis 6:7-9
      • Are you moving through life with God
        • In a manner that is pleasing to Him
        • In a lifestyle that is honoring to God
        • In a way that magnifies __________
      • Or not?
        • You can’t have both a life pleasing to __________ and a life pleasing to the __________.
          • It is one or another.
      • Either we are against God in our lives
        • O fully pleasing to Him
      • Ephesians 4:1-3, Hebrews 13:20-21
        • For Paul this is part of the prayer for those Christians in __________
          • That their lives continue to be shaped to be worthy of this calling
          • That their minds, actions, and wills be brought into alignment with the things of God
      • Changing what goes __________ will change what comes __________.
        • Changing our __________ will change our __________ and we will get a new desire for the things of God.
  • (Col 1:11 ESV) being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy;
    • We are tapped into to __________ will by His work.
      • We are strengthened by __________ might.
      • According to __________ glorious might
        • His glorious might!
      • God’s will cannot be shaken
        • It cannot be defeated
        • It cannot be overturned
        • It cannot be corrupted
        • It cannot be removed anytime
          • For any reason
          • By anyone.
    • God will endure __________
      • His will is going to be done
      • And His people will endure with Him to the end.
        • And not in pain or suffering
          • But in joy!
        • Philippians 4:12-13, Ephesians 3:14-19