Sunday Notes: Colossians 1:12-14

  • (Col 1:12 ESV) giving ____________ to the Father, who has ____________ you to share in the ____________ of the saints in light.
    • It might take some practice daily to recognize God’s provision.
      • Take a breath – 
        • Thank God for that ____________ – and all the systems in the world that allow you to take another breath and another.
      • We live in fragile ____________ in a delicate world
        • All sustained by the hand of a gracious ____________
    • Prayer can all too often take a ____________ attitude
      • God gimme this, do that
      • Like Cinderella’s ____________-____________
        • We can easily twist the relationship and treat God like our ____________ – which He is not
    • Giving thanks turns that around
      • Instead of a me first attitude it is a me ____________
    • When we really boil it down this whole thing is a work of God – Top to bottom – Beginning to end
      • It was God ____________ in ____________
    • Even in our salvation, it is God who ____________ us
      • Qualified you for what?
        • To share in the ____________
      • Qualified – To make ____________ for a job
        • 2 Corinthians 3:5-6
      • MacArthur: Light represents two things Biblically.  Intellectually, it represents ____________.  Morally it represents ____________.
        • Truth
          • Fixed
          • ____________
          • Unwavering
        • Purity
          • Pure
          • ____________
          • Without Defilement
      • As people who live in the light of Christ
        • We should shine ____________
        • We should shine ____________
        • We should reflect the ____________ of God in all that we do
          • 1 John 3:1-2
  • (Col 1:13 ESV) He has ____________ us from the domain of darkness and ____________ us to the kingdom of his ____________ Son,
    • He has delivered us from the domain of darkness
      • We don’t like this idea: Every single person on the earth is in one of ____________ camps
        • The light
        • The ____________
        • We are either children of God
        • Or we are children of the Devil
          • Ephesians 5:6-11
      • Delivered – Rhyomai
        • To draw to one’s self, To deliver, To ____________
          • This is not Fedex delivering what you ordered
          • It is not Santa Claus bringing the toy you asked for.
        • This is to be stranded, hopelessly ____________
          • And someone coming along to pull you out.
          • You are destitute and ____________ to save yourself
            • Thus you must have a Savior.
    • And transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son
      • That ____________ would deliver us
      • And ____________ would transfer us
        • Transfer – methistēmi
          • To remove from one place to another
          • Titus 3:3-7, John 5:24
  • (Col 1:14 ESV) in whom we have ____________, the ____________ of sins.
    • In whom?
      • ____________ ____________ – this beloved Son of God the Father
      • It is in Christ that we have redemption
        • In Christ and Christ alone
          • Solus Christus
          • In Christ alone we are saved.
          • Titus 3:5
      • Until we land on this truth we are stuck in a cycle that we can never fulfill
        • Every other religious system in the world is a system of works ____________
          • That we must do these things
          • And avoid those things
          • And then ____________ will find favor on us
        • That is a condition
          • If ____________
          • Then ____________
      • Until we understand this concept of God’s ____________
        • His unconditional ____________
          • God does not love us because of who we are
            • He ____________ us in spite of who we are!
            • In spite of our
              • Sin
              • Shortcomings
              • Failures
              • Every how many
              • And how great they may be.
        • God’s love is 100% unconditional
          • Freely ____________ by His grace
          • Because it brings Him ____________ to do it
      • The forgiveness of sins
        • In His redemption is where ____________ lies
          • In Christ
            • And Christ alone
          • Apart from ____________ 
            • There is no forgiveness
          • Romans 3:21-25, 
      • We are saved
        • Through ____________ alone
        • In ____________ alone
        • By God’s ____________ alone
        • According to His ____________ alone
        • And for His ____________ alone.
    • So where do you find yourself in that line
      • Is God drawing you to Himself?
      • Is God moving you from the dominion of darkness?
      • Is God filling you with hope and security?