Sunday Notes: Colossians 1:15-19

    • (Col 1:15 ESV) He is the _______________ of the invisible _______________, the firstborn of all _______________.
      • Who is “He”?
      • John 14:8-11, Exodus 33:18-23
        • He is the _______________ visible
          • Incarnate God as _______________ on earth!
          • Fully God AND fully human
        • We are _______________ also in the image of God
          • Genesis 1:26-27
        • And we are to live out in the _______________ of Christ
          • Romans 8:29
        • We falter in the _______________, Christ never did.
          • It was Christ came to save us
            • _______________ overcame sin
            • That we might fully be restored in _______________ righteousness.
      • The firstborn of all creation
        • Detractor 1: He is the one born first
          • False:  Jesus is eternal. Jesus was _______________ born, He always was and is.
        • Detractor 2: He is one of many
          • False: He is the _______________ God, not one of many.
        • Solution: First-born is a position of _______________
          • John 1:1, 1:14
          • He is firstborn
            • Because God chose to _______________ on Him the birthright
              • He was set to _______________ the earth
              • His kingdom setup _______________.
          • He is over _______________ creation
            • Hebrews 1:1-4
    • (Col 1:16 ESV) For by him all _______________ were created, in heaven and on _______________, visible and invisible, whether _______________ or dominions or rulers or authorities–all things were _______________ through him and for _______________.
      • All things.  ALL things.
        • Hebrews 2:10, John 1:1-3
        • All things
          • Heaven and earth
          • Visible and invisible
            • Psalm 147:4, Luke 12:7
          • Thrones or dominions
          • Rulers or authorities
        • All things through _______________.
          • Romans 13:1
        • All things for _______________
          • Romans 11:36
    • (Col 1:17 ESV) And he is b_______________efore all things, and in him all things _______________ together.
      • This is the _______________ of Christ
        • John 8:58
          • Not I was, rather I AM!
          • Before there was existence – _______________ was existing!
        • John 1:1-4
      • And the _______________ of God
        • The very universe and every single thing in it
          • Stays together
          • Working in order
            • Because Christ holds it all together.
          • Should _______________ cease to hold it all together the universe and everything in it would _______________
        • John 17:1-5
          • The _______________ Christ enjoyed before the world was created
          • Is the glory _______________ enjoys today
          • And the glory He will enjoy in the eternal kingdom
            • That glory _______________ will see when we are with Him.
    • (Col 1:18 ESV) And _______________ is the head of the _______________, the church. He is the _______________, the firstborn from the dead, that in _______________ he might be _______________.
      • And He is the head of the body
        • _______________ is the head
        • He is in _______________ of the church
          • No man, council, group, order, or body.
        • Christ is the head of His _______________
          • The church local and church global
            • Headed by Christ alone and centered on His _______________ alone
          • Any group not headed by Christ and centered on His word is NOT the church
          • It is a lie and distraction of _______________
            • Ephesians 1:22-23, 1 Corinthians 15:16-23
    • (Col 1:19 ESV) For in _______________ all the fullness of _______________ was pleased to dwell,
      • Christ _______________ and is and _______________ fully God
        • John 1:1-5, Colossians 2:9-10
        • In Christ dwelt the fullness of God
          • He was and is God _______________
            • Walking, talking, _______________ on earth.
            • Ruling, reigning _______________ in heaven.
            • We are His _______________
  • John 14:1-11
        • Christ is all and in all
        • And our salvation
          • And redemption
          • And eternal security
            • Is found only in Jesus
          • Is your life surrendered to Him today?