Sunday Notes: Colossians 2:11-15

  • (Col 2:11 ESV) In _______________ also you were circumcised with a circumcision made without _______________, by putting off the _______________ of the flesh, by the circumcision of _______________,
  • (Col 2:12 ESV) having been buried with him in _______________, in which you were also _______________ with him through faith in the powerful working of _______________, who raised him from the dead.
    • You were _______________
      • Not in the physical sense here but _______________
    • Jews were circumcised as _______________ to symbolize their _______________ position as the people of God
    • When the old _______________ was fulfilled in Christ
      • The new, Messianic Covenant was instituted and this requirement of _______________ circumcision was done away with
        • Romans 2:25-29
      • Much like baptism…
        • You can be dunked in a tank and remain unchanged.  If the _______________ has not been transformed by the _______________ _______________, baptism means nothing.
      • In the new _______________ we are sanctified
        • We are set apart, cut off if you will, from the sinful world
        • Not _______________, but spiritually
          • Ephesians 4:17-24
      • When the _______________ baptizes someone
        • It is symbolic of _______________, burial, and resurrection
        • In the mode following _______________
      • Baptism is an _______________ sign of the inward _______________ that has already taken place
        • In baptism you signify that your old self has died
          • It has been buried
            • Under the water
          • And the _______________ person rises up
            • To walk in a new life in Christ.
            • Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 2:41, Romans 6:1-7, John 3:22-23, Matthew 3:13-14, Colossians 3:1-2
  • (Col 2:13 ESV) And you, who were _______________ in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your _______________, God made _______________ together with him, having forgiven us _______________ our trespasses,
  • (Col 2:14 ESV) by canceling the _______________ of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the _______________.
    • This is the condition of _______________ man
      • Every woman
      • Every child
        • Before the _______________ _______________ shifts your focus to the Savior
    • It is not until we are redeemed
      • Made _______________ in Christ
      • That we are acceptable to _______________
        • Romans 8:11-15
    • By canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its _______________ demands
      • This points back to the Old Covenant under the _______________ that we would keep the law and be found righteous
      • But no one could keep the law
        • It was humanly _______________.
      • So all people are _______________ under the law
        • And owed legal demands
          • Specifically, a _______________ sentence.
    • This he set aside nailing it to the _______________.
      • 1 Peter 2:20-25
        • _______________ our redeemer
          • Is also our example of this walk
          • That we might follow in _______________ footsteps
            • He committed no _______________
            • Neither was _______________ found in his mouth
            • When He was _______________, He did not revile in return
            • He _______________ God through all things
            • He _______________ our sins
            • He _______________ us back
          • Now we walk this life
            • Guided by the _______________ of Christ
            • Empowered by the _______________ Holy Spirit
  • (Col 2:15 ESV) He _______________ the rulers and authorities and put them to open _______________, by triumphing over them in _______________.
    • He disarmed the rulers and authorities
      • That is _______________
        • Overcoming any and all _______________ authority
    • And put them to open shame
      • The shame would be a _______________ sense of their power and influence
        • That the _______________ is infinitely more powerful than they are.
    • By triumphing over them in HIm.
      • One man’s death on the cross
      • Triumphs over all else
        • Our sin
        • The curse
        • World powers
        • Anything.
    • We live this life because of the _______________ and _______________ of God
      • And we see in the ordinance of _______________ the movement of our lives
        • From being dead in our sin
        • To our burial leaving that old life behind
        • And our rising up into a new life
          • To walk in _______________ forever.
    • While baptism does not _______________ us
      • It is the example of our _______________ life
      • As much so should the daily walk there forward
        • Reflect the _______________ of Christ
    • We die in _______________
      • We are raised in _______________
      • Now we walk new in _______________
        • Romans 6:1-10