Sunday Notes: Colossians 2:16-23

  • (Col 2:16 ESV) Therefore let no one pass _______________ on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a _______________.
    • Because you are a new creation in _______________
      • The rules of the old law no longer have any bearing on you
        • And if the law does not apply then you cannot _______________ it
      • If you are not in violation of the law
        • Then there is no judgment
        • No punishment
        • No sentencing
        • No conviction…
    • Jesus dispelled anything holding us to these _______________ laws in Matthew
      • Matthew 15:1-11, Acts 10
    • These _______________ may well be those festivals held by other cultures
      • Or even the _______________ festivals held throughout the year.
        • So attending those things over there would be forbidden
        • And not attending these things over here would be frowned upon
    • Or new _______________
      • The new moon would be their marker for the start of a new month
        • And _______________ has certain things to do at that time
          • Sacrifices to make and such.
        • Other religions also used the moon as a marker
          • Ramadan – the month long festival of the Muslims
          • Begins following a new moon in the spring
      • Paul here is telling the Christians at Colossae
        • Go to the festivals or don’t go. It is fine.
        • If someone else goes, great
          • If they don’t, great
        • Our lives are not based on adherence to these.
    • Or a _______________
      • For the Jews, the Sabbath was the bees knees
        • They centered live around the Sabbath
          • Working 6 days Sunday-Friday
          • Then completely resting on Saturday, the Sabbath
          • Anyone caught working on the Sabbath was in big trouble
      • For _______________, however
        • There is no such thing
        • So enjoy the Sabbath days rest or don’t
    • Romans 14
  • (Col 2:17 ESV) These are a shadow of the things to come, but the _______________ belongs to _______________.
    • These things pale in comparison to what is next
      • Our focus must be Christ and His Word
        • John 1:16-17, Colossians 3:1-4
  • (Col 2:18 ESV) Let no one disqualify you, insisting on _______________ and worship of _______________, going on in detail about _______________, puffed up without reason by his _______________ mind,
    • No one
      • High or low
      • Poor or rich
      • Religious or not
      • No one can disqualify you for any reason
        • Why?
          • Because: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
          • If you are a new creation
            • Made in Christ
            • According to His grace
            • According to His will
              • Nothing can disqualify you
                • For any reason.
    • Asceticism – severe self-discipline and avoidance of all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons.
    • The worship of angels or what were thought to be angelic beings was a fairly common pagan practice
      • We even see a few instances where people bowed to angels and were corrected
        • Revelation 19:9-10, Matthew 4:10
    • Going on in detail about visions
      • Common then and still today
        • Religious leaders will claim visions
          • God showed me this
          • God told me that
          • I have a word from the Lord
        • So do I and so do you
          • The Bible: Complete and final
    • Puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind
      • As leaders of lies become
        • Arrogant and puffed up
        • In their lies and deception
          • Because instead of seeking the praise to go to God they become the center of attention
      • 1 John 4:1-3
  • (Col 2:19 ESV) and not holding fast to the _______________, from whom the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from _______________.
    • Those false leaders and false religions
      • Their center and focus is not the _______________
    • This is speaking of the true church
      • Those centered on the Word
      • Focused on the Lord
    • If the group is not centered on the Word
      • And focused on the Lord
      • It is not the _______________
      • Ephesians 4:11-16
  • (Col 2:20 ESV) If with Christ you died to the _______________ spirits of the world, why, as if you were still alive in the world, do you submit to regulations–
  • (Col 2:21 ESV) “Do not _______________, Do not taste, Do not _______________”
  • (Col 2:22 ESV) (referring to things that all _______________ as they are used)–according to human _______________ and teachings?
    • If you died with _______________ in told the old self
      • Then why are you still going on like you are the _______________ self?
    • If you are under the new covenant
      • The _______________ Covenant
        • Work like the Messiah
        • Who Hebrews calls, “The author and _______________ of the faith.”
  • (Col 2:23 ESV) These have indeed an appearance of _______________ in promoting self-made religion and asceticism and _______________ to the body, but they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the _______________.
    • Catch that
      • All the rigors of religious
        • All the boundaries of behavior
        • All the fences on your actions
          • Don’t make you closer to Christ
          • They don’t stop you from those fleshly things
        • 2 Corinthians 11:13-15
    • Relationship with Christ and recognition of His work in you does draw you closer.