Sunday Notes: Colossians 3:1-4

  • (Col 3:1 ESV) If then you have been raised with _______________, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of _______________.
    • If then – A conditional statement
    • You have been raised with Christ
      • If you have been raised with Christ
        • If you have been reborn in His grace
      • Then…
    • Seek the things that are above where Christ is se_______________ated at the right hand of God
      • Seek the things that are above
        • The things of Christ
        • _______________ things
        • Things not of this world.
          • Romans 8:1-9
      • As His people then our mindset changes
        • Our outlook and our priorities they change
          • No longer are we chasing what the _______________ offers
          • Instead we chase God’s will
          • We focus on what His Word says
          • We are devoted to pleasing _______________ alone.
        • Matthew 6:25-33
  • (Col 3:2 ESV) Set your _______________ on things that are above, not on things that are on _______________.
    • 1 John 2:14-17
    • That is easier said than done isn’t it?
    • We absolutely start in the _______________
      • We fixate our minds on studying this Book the Bible
      • We plant these things deep in our souls 
      • We hold His _______________ high
    • I firmly believe that when we invest our time and our minds into knowing His Word
      • The _______________ _______________ enlightens and enlightens more and more
        • That the more we consume of the Bible
        • The more the Bible consumes of us
    • Try me on this.
      • Take the next 30 days and mark our time consistently every day to be in the Word.
        • Use the book of 1 John
          • Read the book each week for the next month and I assure you your mind will be altered
  • (Col 3:3 ESV) For you have _______________, and your life is _______________ with Christ in God.
    • You died in the old self
      • The sinful, cursed self dead and gone when you were buried and raised in _______________
    • You were regenerated, made new
      • Galatians 2:20
    • We don’t live for here and now
      • For the moment in today
    • We live with a bigger picture
      • A _______________ outlook
    • We hope in a brighter future
      • Of _______________ in heaven
  • (Col 3:4 ESV) When _______________ who is your life _______________, then you also will appear with him in glory.
    • When this happens
      • This restoration of the _______________
    • We who are in Christ
      • Will appear with Him in _______________
        • We will also be different than how we are now
        • 1 John 3:1-2, Ephesians 1:16-23, Revelation 21:10-27, Revelation 4:8-11, Romans 6:1-8, Philippians 3:17-21