Sunday Notes: Colossians 3:5-8

  • (Col 3:5 ESV) Put to _______________ therefore what is _______________ in you: sexual immorality, _______________, passion, _______________ desire, and covetousness, which is _______________.
    • Like the picture of _______________
      • Where we die to sin
      • And are _______________ to walk a new life
    • We also put to death the old ways in us
      • (Col 3:5 NASB95) Therefore consider the _______________ of your _______________ body as dead to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, which amounts to idolatry.
    • Sexual _______________ – Porneia
      • Having sexual experiences outside the confines of a _______________, _______________ marriage relationship
      • Jesus even amplified this restriction in Matthew 5:27-30
        • It is a matter of the heart
          • Not just what you do but what you think about doing
    • Impurity – Akatharsia
      • Uncleanness, _______________, having impure motives.
    • Passion – Pathos 
      • Romans 1:24-28, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8
        • This is a _______________ for lustful behavior
    • Evil desire
      • This is _______________ something that is wrong or bad
    • And _______________ which is idolatry
      • When we want something that _______________ to someone else
        • Romans 6:11-14, Romans 8:11-15
  • (Col 3:6 ESV) On account of these the _______________ of _______________ is coming.
    • On account of man’s _______________ God’s _______________ is coming sooner or later.
      • Matthew 24:36-44
        • When it comes it will be a surprise on more level than one
          • For _______________ it will be sudden
            • While we are aware that this will happen we don’t know when
            • For _______________ it will be utterly shocking for a Lord you do not believe in to return and judge creation
          • Thanks be to God that we need not fear this event
  • (Col 3:7 ESV) In these you too once _______________, when you were _______________ in them.
    • In these things we also once _______________
      • _______________ immorality, Impurity, Passion, Evil desire, And covetousness which is idolatry
        • And certainly this list is illustrative
          • Not _______________ of the sinful behavior of man.
            • Ephesians 2:1-9,Titus 3:1-8
    • When you were _______________ in them
      • In the _______________
      • Not concerned with God
      • Lost and _______________
        • You chased after such things
  • (Col 3:8 ESV) But now you must put them all _______________: anger, _______________, malice, _______________, and obscene _______________ from your mouth.
    • But now you must put them _______________ away
      • Because our lives are not attached to the world
        • Rather they are attached to _______________
        • We are hidden in Christ
        • Dead to _______________
        • Raise to new _______________ in Christ
      • So we walk in that new life
        • No longer….
          • Anger
          • Wrath
          • _______________
          • Slander
          • And _______________ talk from your mouth
        • James 1:19-25
        • Be _______________ of the Word.
          • Doers.
            • It is one thing to sit and stare
            • Quite another to get up and go
          • Doers play on the _______________
            • Hearers sit in the _______________
        • Galatians 5:16-26
    • Let this be a prayer this week.
      • God make me a doer of your Word
      • That I walk in the fruit of the Spirit
        • Not the folly of the world
      • Help me live by the Spirit
        • Not by the fleeting passions of the flesh.