Sunday Notes: Colossians 4:2-6

  • (Col 4:2 ESV) Continue _______________ in prayer, being watchful in it with _______________.
    • To continue steadfastly is to keep on and not stop
      • Acts 1:14, Acts 2:42, Acts 2:46
    • As the people of _______________
      • Prayer is something we should stand ready in
        • 1 Thessalonians 5:14-18
    • Being watchful in it
      • This is to give _______________ to prayer
        • Matthew 24:42, Matthew 25:13, Ephesians 6:13-20
    • With thanksgiving
      • 1 Timothy 2:1-2, Matthew 6:5-13, Luke 11:1-4
      • Thankfulness in prayer
      • _______________ – Asking for things we need
      • Prayers – Praying to God as an act of worship
      • _______________ – Prayers made on behalf of others
  • (Col 4:3 ESV) At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in _______________–
  • (Col 4:4 ESV) that I may make it _______________, which is how I ought to _______________.
    • That is _______________ and his missionary team
      • Remember Paul has spent years now on the _______________ journeys
    • Despite is all Paul pushed forward in the mission
      • Oh that we too might be so passionate about the Word of God
      • Paul is in _______________
        • And not the only stint of jail time he did
      • He is in prison because of his steadfast preaching of the _______________ and that has not hindered his desire to preach
  • (Col 4:5 ESV) Walk in _______________ toward outsiders, making the best use of the _______________.
    • That we walk in wisdom
      • We present ourselves to them
      • We carry on about around them
      • Not in _______________, but in wisdom
        • Romans 11:33-26, James 3:13-18
    • Making the best use of the time
      • Not wasting our lives
      • Rather working hard at the labor of God
        • _______________ studying His Word
        • Steadfastly _______________
        • Ephesians 5:15-17
  • (Col 4:6 ESV) Let your speech always be gracious, _______________ with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each _______________.
    • Let your speech _______________
      • Always
      • Not sometimes
      • Not only on Sundays
      • Not only to your church friends
      • Let your speech always
    • Be with _______________
      • Not with harshness, judgment, bitterness, backbiting
        • Let your speech always be with grace
    • Seasoned with salt
      • Speech that is flavored with salt is _______________ and appealing
        • It leaves the _______________ in want of more
      • Our speech should be attractive
        • Rooted in the Word of God
        • _______________ to righteousness
        • Uplifting those we encounter to bring _______________ to God
          • Ephesians 4:29