Sunday Notes: Doctrines: The Trinity

  • No where in the Bible will you find the word _______________
  • In most churches’ statements of belief you will find little if any mention of the _______________ of the Trinity.  
  • This concept is foreign to our limited comprehension and is often taken one of two ways:
  1. Rejected as falsehood
  2. Accepted as something not completely understood
    • We should be able to understand this concept given a firm foundation of who God is.  
      • Three in person, One in _______________
        • God the _______________
        • _______________ the Son
        • The _______________ Spirit 
          • Ephesians 1:3-14
  • One Living and True God, One will of God
    • Deuteronomy 6:4
      • Deu 6:4 ESV)  “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.
        • The Lord is _______________. 
        • The word “one” here echad (ekh-awd) translates to _______________.  
          • This is the sense of a marriage or team.  
          • We are one, a united effort.  
          • While He is one God He also works under one united will.  
      • Isaiah 45:4, 1 Corinthians 45:5
  • The one true God – not one of _______________ gods
    • God is the one true God.  
      • There is no other God in existence.  
      • While we set up other things in ourselves to take the place of _______________, those are not the true God.  
  • Eternally Existing in _______________ Persons
    • Matthew 28:19. 2 Corinthians 13:14
    • All three persons one and the same in essence
      • If all three of these trinitarian persons are God
        • And all share the attributes of God
        • They all have existed for all eternity past
        • And will into all eternity present.  
        • And continue into the future
    • Don’t neglect the three for any of the one.
      • While God is _______________ in essence
      • He is also _______________ in persons
      • And each must be taught and understood in the church.
        • Matthew 3:16-17
          • All three already existed yet we see three distinct persons simultaneously in this scene.
          • One in essence: God, Three in person: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
    • From the beginning
      • From the beginning we see the _______________ of the Godhead
        • Genesis 1:26. Genesis 3:22, Genesis 11:5-7, Isaiah 6:8
    • Each Equally Deserving Worship and Obedience
      • As the one true God, no one of these persons is more or less deserving of our worship and obedience.  
        • They are equally deserving and should equally be served.
        • Matthew 28:19, John 15:26-27
    • Holy _______________ is from the Father and the Son and is a person of the _______________
      • 2 Corinthians 13:14, Hebrews 9:13-14, 1 John 4:2, Jude 1:20-21