Sunday Notes: James 1:1

  • (Jas 1:1 ESV) ____________, a servant of God and of the ____________ Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes in the Dispersion: ____________.
    • Who wrote it?
      • James the ____________ brother of Christ
        • Their mother was ____________
        • And ____________ was the biological father of James, Jude, etc.
        • Jesus, of course, was not Joseph’s biological child.
          • Thus half brothers.
      • There are four men named ____________ mentioned in the NT
        • Two of them would have the position to write a letter
          • That would be included in the canon of Scripture
            • James the ____________
              • This brother of Jesus
            • James the ____________
              • The son of Zebedee
              • Who’s brother was ____________
              • Matthew 20:20-23
              • He died however in 44 AD
                • He was the first of the apostles to be martyred
              • ____________ for his faith.
              • Acts 12:1-3 – Killed by ____________

    • When was this written?
      • This book was written in most likely after 44 AD and before ____________ AD
        • Acts 15 contains the letter James wrote regarding ____________ and the church
          • This event happened in 49 AD
            • There is no mention in the book of James about his event, the outcome, or the Gentiles
    • Who was the audience?
      • James, a devout ____________
        • Wrote this to a Jewish audience
          • To the ____________ tribes in the Dispersion
            • The twelve tribes are the ____________ descendants
            • Genesis 35:23-26
      • The Jewish audience was not just Jewish
        • They were Jews who had converted to ____________.
          • Christian Jews
          • Who were under ____________
    • What was going on at the time?
      • ____________ has come and ____________ to heaven
        • The early church is formed and operational
        • James, the brother of ____________
          • Has assumed the role of senior ____________ more or less
      • Herod has begun his attacks on ____________
        • Trying to earn favor with the ____________
        • Acts 12 (whole chapter)
    • What are the concerns?
      • Many scholars question which James wrote this
      • The ____________ church teaches that Jesus had no siblings at all
        • That ____________ was always a virgin
          • Never having relations with Joseph
            • So Jesus was an only child
        • If that is the case then James could not exist
          • Or Joseph had another wife before or after Mary
          • And had some other kids with this other woman
            • Which we have absolutely no ____________ of.
      • The fact is that ____________ and Joseph did go on to have other children – supported by Scripture
        • Matthew 12:46, Mark 3:31-32, Luke 8:19-20, Matthew 13:53-56, Mark 6:1-4, John 2:11-12, John 7:1-4, Acts 1:13-14, 1 Corinthians 9:5 Paul writing, Galatians 1:18-19 James, apostle, the Lord’s brother
      • The early church affirmed ____________ as the author
        • He was certainly the top leader in the church at ____________
    • Why is this significant?
      • James was a leader in the early church with the ____________ to speak to these matters
      • He was also a ____________ from his origin.
      • And this work comes as something of a sermon
        • He was not writing a book to be included in the ____________ for all time
        • He was writing a ____________ to people he knew
        • With a closing of personal regard
          • ____________ his fellow believers
            • Both in these ____________ wishes
            • And also in the encouragement to ____________
              • Even in their current state of trouble.