Sunday Notes: James 2:14-20

  • (Jas 2:14 ESV) What good is it, my ____________, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him?
    • What good is it my brothers
      • Still talking to the ____________ here
        • Brothers – brethren – the ____________.
        • James 2:14-26, Ephesians 4:11-14
        • The idea working here is that we know these truths that define our faith
          • We know the things that we believe in
      • If then we know them
        • We must ____________ something 
    • We are to be known by what we do
      • By our ____________
      • By what we ____________.
      • And whether that aligns with what we claim to be try
        • With our words.
    • Matthew 7:15-27
      • We can measure someone’s faith in the Lord
        • By the results they produce.
      • Like growing ____________
        • Healthy plants
        • Make healthy ____________
      • Titus 1:15-16
        • See faith without works is not faith at all
  • (Jas 2:15 ESV) If a brother or sister is poorly ____________ and lacking in ____________ food,
  • (Jas 2:16 ESV) and one of you says to them, “Go in ____________, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the ____________, what good is that?
    • These are the basic ____________ we have to live
      • Clothing to cover our bodies
      • ____________ to fill our stomachs
      • Matthew 25:31-46
        • There are two groups here certainly
          • There are those on the right
          • And those on the ____________.
          • There are the ____________
          • And there are the unrighteous
        • Proverbs 3:27-28
        • As the people of God
          • We are called to service
  • (Jas 2:17 ESV) So also ____________ by itself, if it does not have ____________, is dead.
  • (Jas 2:18 ESV) But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.
    • This is the argument
    • And much the culture we live in
      • Different strokes for different folks
    • Like a tree that bears ____________
      • What our lives produce is the measure of our faith in Christ
      • And not in the material standard of the world.
        • Matthew 25:40, James 2:15-16
  • (Jas 2:19 ESV) You believe that God is ____________; you do well. Even the ____________ believe–and shudder!
    • Deuteronomy 6:4, Exodus 20:3-7
    • Even the demons believe – and ____________
      • Luke 4:34-35 and also in Mark 1:24 and Matthew 8:29
      • Luke 4:41, Matthew 17:18, Mark 3:11-12
    • Remember that demons are the same beings as angels
      • But they are ____________
      • They were ____________ out of heaven
    • Satan himself was a very high ranking angel in God’s court
      • And when he sought to obtain the glory due God
        • ____________ threw him out.
  • (Jas 2:20 ESV) Do you want to be shown, you ____________ person, that faith apart from ____________ is useless?
    • Romans 1:19-25
      • We live in a world full of this.
      • Full of those who will claim they know God
        • But they will not ____________ His name
      • And the time of judgment will come on us all
    • Matthew 7:21-27