Sunday Notes: James 2:21-26

  • (Jas 2:21 ESV) Was not ____________ our father justified by ____________ when he offered up his ____________ Isaac on the altar?
    • Abraham was the father of the nation ____________
      • A ____________ called out by God to go to a foreign land
        • Genesis 22:1-19
          • Genesis chapters 15-18
          • Genesis 21:1-5
          • It did not start with that test.  
            • Abraham was built up
        • Hebrews 11:8-19
          • That is faith
            • To believe on God’s instruction even when all else seems to be counter
  • (Jas 2:22 ESV) You see that ____________ was active along with his ____________, and faith was completed by his works;
  • (Jas 2:23 ESV) and the ____________ was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness”–and he was called a friend of ____________.
    • Genesis 15:6, Genesis 22:16-18
    • How much this story would be different 
      • If Abraham had not ____________
    • We cannot ____________ these beliefs
      • We cannot say we have ____________ in God
    • And yet do nothing to exercise that.
      • That is ____________ ____________
  • (Jas 2:24 ESV) You see that a person is ____________ by works and not by faith ____________.
    • This is one link in the golden ____________ of our salvation
      • First we are ____________ – set apart
        • This is our sanctification
      • Then we are justified
        • Made ____________ before God
      • And in the ____________ we will be glorified
        • With God in ____________ for eternity
      • We sit in the middle right now
        • Romans 8:29-30, James 2:15-18
  • (Jas 2:25 ESV) And in the same way was not also ____________ the prostitute justified by ____________ when she received the messengers and sent them out by another way?
    • Hebrews 11:30-31
    • Joshua 2:1-15
      • In between here the ____________ return to Joshua
      • They report on the certainty of victory
      • They march around according to ____________ instructions
      • And the city collapses in disarray
    • Joshua 6:20-25
      • First, Rahab ____________
        • She had ____________ that the God of these Israelites would bring the victory for them.
        • And she ____________ on that
      • Second, the spies and Joshua ____________.
        • They believed God’s promise
        • And they ____________ on that.
      • Belief here coupled with action
        • ____________ with deeds that match
  • (Jas 2:26 ESV) For as the ____________ apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from ____________ is dead.
    • For as the body apart from the spirit is dead
      • Two pictures of this from Scripture
        • First, Jesus when we was crucified and Stephen the first martyr in Acts
          • Luke 23:46, Acts 7:58-60
    • If we have ____________ in God
      • But that does not drive us to ____________
        • It is no belief
      • John 8:31-45