Sunday Notes: James 4:13-17

  • (Jas 4:13 ESV) Come now, you who say, “Today or ____________ we will go into such and such a ____________ and spend a year there and trade and make a ____________”–
    • Planning for the future is not a bad thing
      • We can and we should
        • Set goals
        • Work in a healthy direction
        • Proverbs 27:1
      • But we must plan with the mindset of God’s will
  • (Jas 4:14 ESV) yet you do not know what ____________ will bring. What is your ____________? For you are a ____________ that appears for a little time and then ____________.
    • Psalm 39:5
    • Like the fog your breath makes on a cold day
      • It lasts but a brief time then it is gone.
    • What we do here and now will pass away
      • The things we build
      • The careers we develop
      • The money we make
      • The places we experience
        • All of this is temporary
      • Luke 12:16-31
        • If we seek first His kingdom
          • And align these other things with that
          • We are planning with God
          • Not planning against or counter to God
        • When we plan against the will of God
          • We are saying with our deeds that we do not believe
          • We do not trust the sovereign God of the universe with our lives.
            • Which is living as a practical atheist.
          • 1 Peter 1:22-25
  • (Jas 4:15 ESV) Instead you ought to say, “If the ____________ wills, we will ____________ and do this or that.”
    • If the Lord wills
      • If this is what God wants
        • Then let’s do it
      • Proverbs 19:21
      • Matthew 6:7-15
        • Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
        • Your kingdom come
          • This is  restoration.
        • Your will be done
          • God no matter what, your will be done
        • On earth aAs it is in heaven
          • In my life, Lord, let your will be done
      • The key to this whole thing is prayer
        • We can set goals and achieve them
          • But that happens first in prayer.
  • (Jas 4:16 ESV) As it is, you boast in your ____________. All such boasting is ____________.
  • (Jas 4:17 ESV) So whoever ____________ the right thing to do and ____________ to do it, for him it is ____________.
    • This is a signal of our lack of thoughts about God
      • That we boast in our accomplishments
        • Not in recognizing the things God has done.
    • So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to fo it for him it is sin
      • You know these things, yet fail to act on them
    • There are two sides to sin, and one gets most of the focus
      • There is the sin of commission
        • That we do something we should not have done
      • Then there is the sin of omission
        • That we do not do something that we should have done
    • Start a habit of prayer.
      • Before you start the day spent some time in prayer
      • As you move through the day spend time in prayer
      • Before you made any choice about the future, plans, etc spend some time in prayer.