Sunday Notes: James 5:9-12

  • (Jas 5:9 ESV) Do not ____________ against one another, ____________, so that you may not be judged; behold, the ____________ is standing at the door.
    • Remember, James is writing to the ____________
    • The word grumble here: Grumble
      • Stenazō – sten-ad’-zo
        • To grumble, To complain, To ____________
      • Hebrews 13:17
    • One thing is for sure: You gather any group of people together and there will be ____________
      • The problem is not that things bug us, really
      • The problem comes in how we ____________ that.
    • So that you may not be ____________
    • Behold the Judge is standing at the door
      • Note the difference in capitalization
        • Two different words here
        • ________________ – The act of passing judgment on another
        • ________________ – It is someone who passes judgment
          • 2 Timothy 4:8
  • (Jas 5:10 ESV) As an example of ____________ and ____________, brothers, take the ____________ who spoke in the name of the Lord.
    • They were charged with taking the ____________ of God to a people
      • Who quite often didn’t want to hear it.
        • Matthew 5:11-12
        • Acts 7:51-60
        • Hebrews 11 – whole chapter
          • If you consider all these who we look at as heroes in the faith
            • A common trait they carried was their ________________________ to the purpose of God
              • None of them perfect
              • But all of them pushing on toward the ____________
  • (Jas 5:11 ESV) Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of ____________, and you have seen the purpose of the ____________, how the Lord is compassionate and ____________.
    • We are not alone.
      • When we feel the struggle to follow God
        • In a lost and dying ____________
      • When we want to go the other way
        • But know that would be disobedient to the ____________
      • We can fix our eyes on these examples
      • We can look to those who have gone before
      • We can turn to the ____________ to find connections
        • To find encouragement
        • To find inspiration
        • To find hope
        • Job 1:21-22
  • (Jas 5:12 ESV) But above all, my ____________, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under ____________.
    • Our speech
    • What we say
    • Is a great measure of our spiritual condition.
      • Matthew 5:33-37
        • People of integrity
        • That is what we are called to be
          • People who live by our beliefs
          • And stay true to what is right.
            • It is not easy
            • We are not perfect
            • But that is the goal.