Sunday Notes: Luke 1:5-7

  • (Luk 1:5 ESV) In the days of _______________, king of Judea, there was a priest named Zechariah, of the division of _______________. And he had a wife from the daughters of Aaron, and her name was _______________.
    • This Herod is Herod the _______________.
    • He is an Edomite
      • A descendent of _______________
        • Romans 9:13, Malachi 1:2-3
    • Herod was appointed the ruler of Judea by the Roman government
    • Judea is the land of the _______________
    • Priest Zechariah
      • A Jew, descended from _______________
    • Of the division of Abijah
      • 1 Chronicles 24:1-19, Nehemiah 12:1-7
    • Elizabeth is a name with deep roots in the tribe of _______________, the body of priests
      • Exodus 6:23
  • (Luk 1:6 ESV) And they were both righteous before _______________, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and statutes of the _______________.
    • And they were both righteous before the Lord
      • Before the Lord
      • Regardless of the opinion of man.
    • Morris: The piety of this couple is brought out with the adjectives righteous and blameless. This means, of course, that they served God faithfully, not that they were sinless. It made their childless state hard for them to understand, for people believed that God would bless faithful servants by giving them children.
      • Genesis 7:1-5, Genesis 5:22-23, Acts 13:22, Genesis Ch. 17
    • They walked blamelessly before the Lord
      • Without regard to the opinion of man
      • Or the _______________ in society
  • (Luk 1:7 ESV) But they had no child, because Elizabeth was _______________, and both were advanced in years.
    • Not because of their _______________
      • But because of the plan of God
        • To do something greater than anyone would imagine
    • Another comparison
      • This one the old couple beyond childbearing years that will _______________
      • And a _______________ who has never known a man and yet will also conceive a child
      • Bookends of the impossible made to happen by a _______________, _______________ God
      • This is the real life event of this couple
        • But God uses it to paint the picture of the scene
        • Which _______________ does over and over again in Scripture.
    • Is there always more to the story?
      • And it is important for us to look beyond the surface
        • With ourselves
        • And with others
          • What is weighing on your life that is resulting in what we see on the outside?
          • What is God doing that we don’t see on the inside?
    • And as the people of God our first direction is following the Lord
      • To do the work he sets out for us
      • To be the people we are created to be.
        • What is it that you are called to do?
        • How can you help someone else reach their calling?What is your calling?