• (Luk 1:11 ESV) And there appeared to him an _______________ of the Lord standing on the _______________ side of the altar of _______________.
    • This angel is really there – _______________ there
  • (Luk 1:12 ESV) And _______________ was troubled when he saw him, and _______________ fell upon him.
    • Anytime we, as fallen sinners, encounter a holy being
      • We realize our _______________ even more
    • However, this angel is not showing up for _______________
  • (Luk 1:13 ESV) But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your _______________ has been heard, and your wife _______________ will bear you a son, and you shall call his name _______________.
    • And that name John
      • That name is significant.
      • It means God is _______________
  • (Luk 1:14 ESV) And you will have joy and _______________, and many will _______________ at his birth,
  • (Luk 1:15 ESV) for he will be great before the _______________. And he must not drink _______________ or strong drink, and he will be filled with the _______________ _______________, even from his mother’s womb.
    • JTB is set apart for this work even before his _______________.
      • Even before his mother knows he will be
        • _______________ plan is in place and will be fulfilled
      • He is a _______________ by the order of his family
      • He is a _______________ by the declaration of God
      • He is unique in this filling by the Spirit of God in the womb
      • JTB is something unique in all of humanity
        • Set apart for a certain work
        • Planned in _______________ time.
  • (Luk 1:16 ESV) And he will turn many of the children of _______________ to the Lord their _______________,
  • (Luk 1:17 ESV) and he will go before him in the spirit and power of _______________, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the _______________ of the just, to make ready for the _______________ a people prepared.”
    • Malachi 4:5-6
      • John is this _______________ one to come
      • _______________ would recognize this promise
        • The son you will bear is the _______________
        • He is the _______________ sent to prepare the way
        • This son will usher in the Christ
          • And with Him the new age of God’s redemption.
  • (Luk 1:18 ESV) And Zechariah said to the _______________, “How shall I know this? For I am an _______________ man, and my _______________ is advanced in years.”
    • Zechariah makes the case for his _______________ of life
      • Above _______________ in the Word of God.
    • To question the angel and the _______________ from God
      • Is to call into question the _______________ – God Himself
    • Zechariah was a man
      • A _______________ man
      • But still a _______________ man
        • And this shows in his disbelief
  • (Luk 1:19 ESV) And the angel answered him, “_______________ am Gabriel. _______________ stand in the presence of God, and _______________ was sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news.
    • Only two angels are named in scripture
      • _______________ and _______________
      • Gabriel is the normal messenger God sends
        • Daniel 8:15-27, Daniel 9:20-27, Luke 1:26-33
  • (Luk 1:20 ESV) And behold, _______________ will be silent and unable to speak until the day that these things take place, because _______________ did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their _______________.”
    • This is a judgment for his unbelief
      • That was real in their time and is real in _______________ time
      • There are consequences for our lack of _______________, faith, in God
  • (Luk 1:21 ESV) And the _______________ were waiting for Zechariah, and they were wondering at his _______________ in the temple.
    • He is supposed to be _______________
      • In and out, get on with it
    • The worry here is that he is _______________.
  • (Luk 1:22 ESV) And when he came out, he was unable to _______________ to them, and they realized that he had seen a _______________ in the temple. And he kept making _______________ to them and remained mute.
    • This is not formal sign language but rather hand gestures and movements trying to explain the vision and message of an angel….
      • Something none of them had ever seen
      • No one had in over _______________ years.
  • (Luk 1:23 ESV) And when his time of _______________ was ended, he went to his _______________.
    • It is noted that he goes home, then this is next
      • To help squelch any hints that many _______________ was unfaithful