Ruth: An Exposition: 4:13-17

Ruth: An Exposition: 4:13-17

Redemption now complete, we see a time warp with a wedding, baby born, and whole life change in one verse.  There are many contrasts to these closing pieces of Ruth and the opening we say in chapter 1.  Naomi is restored in Israel and her heart overflows with love for...
Ruth: An Exposition: 4:13-17

Ruth: An Exposition: 4:1-12

Chapter 3 closes with the ball in Boaz’s court having promised Ruth that he would see through their redemption that very day.  What unfolds next is a odd scene of coordination by the Sovereign hand of God and some cunningness by the hero of our story, Boaz....
Ruth: An Exposition: 4:13-17

Ruth: An Exposition: 3:8-18

Ruth chapter three is a major turning point in the story.  This week we see the scene of the threshing floor close with Boaz promising to redeem Ruth and Naomi.  But there is the other factor that suddenly is revealed:  Another redeemer.  Boaz promises Ruth that he...
Ruth: An Exposition: 4:13-17

Ruth: An Exposition: 3:1-7

Opening to chapter 3 is sketchy territory and we must focus not on what our minds can run with, but on what the text actually tells us.  Chapter three of Ruth is an exceptional picture of character and integrity – something we should strive for in our lives....
Ruth: An Exposition: 4:13-17

Ruth: An Exposition: 2:1-10

Opening chapter two of Ruth is a pace chance for sure.  We move from a whole lot of life, years and even decades passing, to a crawl.  The events unfolding in chapter 2 are setting the stage for the marvelous redemption to come and the provision of God is written all...

Ruth: An Exposition: 1:14-22

This week we close chapter one of Ruth as they finish their journey from Moab to the people of Israel at Bethlehem.  The future still loos bleak, but the chapter closes with this glimmer of hope – even if it might be short lived. Sunday notes – click here...